*Let Me Make You Feel Good

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Summary: Getting eaten out has never really been good for you. Harry shows you how good it can be

Hi!! This was the first ever one-shot I posted about Mr. Styles on Tumblr. I hope the Wattpad girlies enjoy my work too!!! Let me know what you think!

Chapter Warnings: smut! 18+only! oral (m & f receiving), face-sitting, spanking, kind of a lame ending lmao

By all accounts, your relationship was Harry was going wonderfully. You had been dating nearly three years now, and you had moved in together last year. You picked him up when fame and Hollywood bogged him down, and he helped you when the stress of your job or of life in general got to your head. The cuddling and kisses were great, and the sex was even better. His family adored you, and yours loved him. Your lives were now inexplicably intertwined; the fates had brought you together, and hoped to keep you together for the rest of eternity. There was only one problem.

He hadn't eaten you out yet.

It wasn't because he didn't want to, and he made that very clear. Almost every time you were intimate, he begged to have a taste of you. But you declined every time. Every person who tried to go down on you was messy, and not in a good way. Their tongue felt awkward inside of you, and absolutely none of them knew where the clit was. When the torture finally ended, you just felt covered in spit and slobber, and you never, ever came. The fire of desire was quenched, just not in the way you wanted it to be. Instead of feeling satisfied, you just felt gross. And though Harry certainly wanted to go down on you, you just didn't want to be disappointed again. Every time he asked, you redirected him, whether subtly or not, to move things in a different direction. Yes, most other aspects of your sex life were great, but you didn't want that to change.

Which is why you were denying him now.

"Angel, please. Wanna taste y' s' bad."

You were both on the bed, Harry's body caging your own onto the mattress. You had been sloppily making out after you had just sucked him off, when he posed the question that you were dreading.

You tried to keep your face from contorting in displeasure, but there was still a furrow in your brow when you said, "No, Har. Not tonight."

A pout formed on his perfect, pink lips, "Tha's what y' say every time."

"And that's what I'll continue to say. I don't want you to eat me out right now."

"Why not?'

Inevitably, you reached this question again. Each time, it was a different excuse. Sometimes it was "I'm too tired, baby." Others, it was, "Just wanna get to the good part." No matter what the excuse, Harry never seemed to really buy it. You knew it wouldn't work forever, but you really didn't want to tell him the real reason.

"Just want you to fuck me, H. Too impatient."

He frowned deeper, "If y' were too impatient, why were y' practically begging to suck m' cock earlier?"

"Because I wanted to taste you," you muttered.

"Then why won' y' let me do the same, angel?" questioned Harry.

You shrugged, not replying. You knew you were caught red-handed. You truly would love nothing more than to indulge his need, but you just didn't want it to end badly, like all of the other times you had participated in the act.

His face softened, "Angel, please. Talk t' me."

You supposed there was really no point in avoiding it any longer. If you just told him why, maybe he would stop asking. And you hated seeing him upset like this.

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