A Coffee Shop Cliche

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Summary: People see in grey until they lock eyes with their soulmate. Then, their whole world bursts into color. Or alternatively, how Harry's shitty job at Starbucks turns out to be the best thing that's ever happened to him.

Hi guys! This fic is really soft/self indulgent! I was thinking of LHH while writing this because he was college age in that era, so that's why he has long hair in this story! Anyway, hope you enjoy!

Chapter Warnings: literally just fluff and the coffee shop trope!

Harry was exhausted.

He could only make so many Pink Drinks and caramel frappuccinos before he was bored to death, even with all of those stupidly complicated drinks those Tik Tokers would request. The length of time he had to keep his long locks in a bun gave him a headache, dealing with bitchy freshmen who didn't have enough whipped cream on their iced white chocolate mochas made him want to throw something, and Jess, his coworker who always found a way to flirt with him, made him actually want to cry. He hated his job, but he needed to money to pay for college. Luckily, he would be graduating this semester, and this nightmare would be over.

Being a music theory/composition and music education dual major wasn't exactly the easiest path, but he loved his degree. Music was his passion, his reason for living, and he wanted to make a living writing music for as long as he was able. College had taught him all of the rules of composition, and exactly how to break them. He, of course, knew that just composition wasn't the best way to make a living, so he was hoping his teaching job would be enough to keep a roof over his head. Plus, he did love kids.

College had also given him some lifelong friends. He was assigned to live with Niall Horan his freshman year. He was a bit nervous about living with a total stranger, but Niall had turned out to be literally the nicest person he had ever met, with a contagious laugh, wicked sense of humor, and skills on the guitar to match. He was a music therapy major, so the two spent most of their time in the music building together. He had also befriended Louis Tomlinson in concert choir, a fellow composition major who also was quite the pianist. Harry was a vocalist himself, so he was happy to make friends with people on different instruments. Through Louis he met Zayn Malik and Liam Payne, Louis' two roommates. They were both art majors; Zayn was more of a painter while Liam enjoyed sculpting, but they were both fabulous. The five became fast friends, though Louis and Zayn graduated a year before them. Liam had moved in with NIall and Harry, and the three were thoroughly enjoying themselves (along with their black cat, Maisie).

Harry also was 90% sure he had a job when he graduated as well. The general music teacher at the elementary school he was teaching at, Mrs. George, was retiring the same semester that Harry finished his schooling. Both her and the school district were singing his praises, and he was pretty sure that as soon as he had a degree, he could interview for the job and snatch it up! Plus, the kids loved him. All he had to do was graduate!

The only thing he didn't have yet was his soulmate.

His friends all seemed to have had theirs; Zayn and Louis had moved in with theirs after leaving school, Liam had been dating his for just over a year, and Niall had met his just two short months ago. His older sister had already gotten engaged to hers, and it seemed like all of his friends back home were posting pictures on Instagram with captions like "My always and forever!" or "My true love." When was it his turn? When could he finally look the girl of his dreams in the eye and see the whole world burst into color?

"Harry, snap out of it! We've got a line!"

Harry smiled apologetically at his coworker, "Sorry, Anna. I'll get on it."

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