Camping Can Get a Bit...In(tents)tense

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Summary: Harry is meeting your family for the first time during a camping trip.

Hi!!! I go camping with my family pretty often, and it made me want to write a camping based one-shot! I've been feeling in a fluffy mood lately, so this one is very soft. Hope you all like it!!

Chapter Warnings: I think there's cursing? otherwise it's just fluff and a terrible pun

He was utterly terrified.

This weekend camping trip would be the first time Harry met your family. Harry knew how much you loved your parents and sister, and he desperately wanted to impress them. Of course, this made the pair of you nervous wrecks as you pulled up to your usual campsite around lunchtime on Friday. Your family had already arrived, since the site was in their name. It was the same place that you had gone when you were a kid, though you hadn't been in a long time since moving to London with Harry. Though you loved the city, being out in nature made you feel the most at home. Your father's bright red pickup truck was loaded to the brim with various camping gear, and currently, your parents were pitching their tent while your sister was unloading cooking ingredients from the truck.

You glanced over at Harry and could see the worry etched into his brows. His muscles looked tense, even in his oversized patchwork cardigan, t-shirt, jeans, and worn-out vans. Though he tried to cover it up, you could tell that he was nervous.

You reached over and squeezed his hand, "I promise it'll be okay, baby. I know they'll love you. You're the most amazing person I've ever met, how could they not love you?"

He smiled back at you, "Thanks, honey. Y' always know how t' make me feel better."

You pecked his cheek and replied, "You're welcome, Har. Let's get out of here. I don't know about you, but I'm starving."

As you exited your vehicle, your sister ran up to you and wrapped you in a tight hug, "Hi, Y/n! It's good to have you camping again!"

You smiled and reciprocated the hug, "Hi! It feels so good to be back, I've missed you all so much!"

She released you from her hold and beamed, "We've missed you too, now that you've moved across the pond. Speaking of which, let's meet this boyfriend of yours."

Harry did his best to put on a confident smile, though you could see between the cracks in his facade. He stuck his hand out for your sister to shake.

"Hello! 'M Harry! It's a pleasure to meet y', Y/n's told me s' much about y'!"

Your sister grinned while shaking his hand, "It's nice to finally meet you, Harry. She's told us quite a bit about you as well."

"And by quite a bit, she means she doesn't shut up about you," your dad teased from where they were pitching the tent.

"Daaad," you groaned, "that's not true."

"Oh, it's definitely true," added your mom, "she absolutely adores you."

"An' I absolutely adore her," Harry replied, squeezing your hand with a bashful grin.

Your mom called over to Harry from where she was hammering in a tent pole, "It's nice to meet you, Harry!

"Yeah, it's nice to meet you," your dad contributed, "I'd shake your hand, but I'm a bit busy at the moment."

Harry laughed, "No problem. Do y' wan' any help?"

"We're almost done, but thank you for the offer, dear," your mom replied.

Your sister jumped in then, "If you're both feeling helpful, would you mind getting some logs for the fire while I dig through the truck to find the everything for lunch? Can't have hamburger and hot dogs without buns. And I know you're a pescetarian, Harry, so we got you these seafood burgers. I have no idea how they taste, but I guess we'll find out!"

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