*Suspenders (Version Two)

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Summary: Tour is back in full swing, and you enjoy it in more ways than one.

Hi!!! As I said before, the Dallas tour fit was very inspiring to me, so I wrote a second version of the "inappropriate use of suspenders" concept. Hope you like the dom! harry version :)

Chapter Warnings: smut!!!! 18+only!!! dom! harry, oral sex/face fucking (m receiving), unprotected sex, daddy kink, spanking (briefly), inappropriate use of suspenders

You knew Harry was happy to be back on tour. He thrived under the bright lights of the stage, his narcissism blossomed over the audience members screaming his name, and best of all, he got to perform his music. You were happy he was back on tour, too, but for much different reasons.

He was sexy as hell when he performed.

The sweat dripping from his brow, the outfits (that you got to tear off of him later), and especially the cocky smirks he would give out when he knew he nailed a part, would have you squeezing your thighs together backstage. Tonight was clearly no exception. The silk of the Dallas outfit clung to his form perfectly, and it was doing things to you. Every time Harry would glance over to where you were standing in the pit, you had to clench you thighs together to keep from bursting. He noticed, of course, and that same cocky smirk would spread across his lips as he winked at you.

Post-performance, you headed straight to his dressing room to wait for him, not really feeling in the mood to socialize with the band. All you really wanted was him, and you knew it wouldn't be too long until he joined you. Sure enough, Harry strode in not too long after you, closing and locking the door with celerity. He grinned cheekily at you, walking over to the plush couch you were lounging on and swinging his legs over your form, straddling your waist.

He leaned down, lips brushing against your ear as he whispered, "Have a little problem during the show t'night, love?"

You shivered at the raspy tone of his words, already feeling your arousal, which you already thought was overwhelming, rise to new heights. Now that he was finally draped over you, you would get what you were so desperate for all night.

"A little, but nothing that can't be solved with a bit of help," you replied, keeping your voice as steady as possible.

"A bit of help, hmm?" Harry teased as he slowly ground his hips against yours, "need someone t' take care of yeh, darlin'?"

You gulped and nodded, "Yes. Need you, Daddy."

His eyes darkened as he tore your shirt off of your body and stood up, "Then get on your knees."

Once the shirt was over your head, you quickly obeyed, dropping to the floor in front of the couch. Harry had stripped off his shirt and suspenders as well, leaving him in his silk pants. You reached forward and tugged the zipper down, and he helped you by shoving his trousers and briefs down to pool at his ankles.

He tapped your cheek with his hard cock and demanded, "Open. I need my little cocksleeve now."

You whimpered softly, letting your mouth fall wide open. Harry wasted no time in filling that empty space, nearly making you gag when he suddenly touched the back of your throat.

"Always love fuckin y' mouth. So warm and wet f' me," he grunted as his hips slammed into your throat.

Tears were already springing to your eyes from the speed and intensity that he took your mouth, but you laid your head against the couch and took what he gave you.

"Look s' pretty when yeh cry," he mocked, seeing the tears beginning to fill your eyes.

The ferns on his hips started to look blurry as those same tears started to trickle down your cheeks. The way he filled your mouth hurt in the best possible way, and soon, his hips were stuttering erratically into your mouth. But just as he was about to cum, he pulled out. You whined at the loss, wanting to feel him cum down your throat.

He chuckled softly at your eagerness, "S' okay, pet. You'll get what yeh need. Hands and knees f' me."

You stood up on shaky limbs and positioned yourself accordingly on the couch. You saw him walk behind you, and there was something in his hands.

Glancing back at him, confused, you asked, "What's that, Daddy?"

He smirked and let the object hang down. It was his suspenders.

"What are those for?"

Harry's smirk deepened, his dimples popping out further than before, as he leaned toward you and pulled your hands behind your back, making your rest your head against the couch for support. You felt him tie something, presumably the suspenders, around your wrists. You looked back and whined as you saw him clutching the other end of the suspenders in his large hands, grinning wickedly. He tugged you back so your ass was up against his pelvis, and with no resistance, he slipped inside your wet heat.

"Daddy," you gasped as his length suddenly filled you to the brim.

He clearly was not in the mood to take it slow tonight. His rhythm was brutal right from the start, exactly the same way that he fucked your mouth.

"Love fuckin my pussy after a show," he said with a low growl, "always so wet and ready f' me."

When you moaned at his words, he chuckled and added, "Yeah? Like it when I call it my pussy? Because it is. It's fuckin mine. No one else can fuck yeh like this, can they?"

You shook your head, "O-only you, D-daddy."

"Fuckin right it's only me," Harry rasped, punctuating the remark with a harsh slap on your ass, "Own this ass, too. Own everything of yours. But yeh own all of me too, pet. Got me wraped around y' fuckin finger."

You smiled softly at his words, but squeaked out another moan when he hand smacked down on your other cheek. His other free hand still gripped the suspenders tightly, holding you in place as he fucked you roughly.

"C-close, Daddy," you warned.

His free hand snaked to your front as he rubbed your clit between his slender fingers while keeping up his quick pace.

"Cum f' me, pet. Wanna feel y' cunt squeezing me. Best fuckin feelin in the world," he commanded.

The harsh slams of his hips into yours and the pinching of your nub brought you there, and your walls tightened around his cock as you moaned his name through your release. The tightness of your walls brought him to the edge as well, and his hips stuttered as his cum coated your walls.

"Fuck, baby, yeh've got the most perfect cunt," he praised, "always take me s' well."

Your cheeks grew warm from the praise and you turned your head so you could see him, "Thank you, Daddy. Always fuck me so nice."

Harry smiled back at you, "Course, m' lovely. Always gonna take care of yeh."

He removed the suspenders from around your wrist and gently kissed the irritated skin murmuring sweet praises to you. He got up then and found a towel in the attached bathroom, cleaning you both off before rejoining you on the couch. Harry pulled you into his chest, holding you tightly against him.

"Feel okay, lovie? Not too sore?" he asked.

You nodded, "Feel good, H. A little sore, but not too bad. I'm sleepy, though."

Harry leaned down to press a gentle kiss to your forehead, "Sleep f' a bit then, love. I'll wake yeh when we have t' get dressed and go home."

"M-kay," you said sleepily as you began to drift off.

But almost as soon as you had fallen asleep, the door cracked open and you heard Jeff call in, "If you two are finally done in there, we have to get going. We have to get on the road," before the door shut again.

You whined in displeasure and Harry chuckled softly.

"Gotta get up, love. Time t' get dressed."

"Will you carry me out to the bus then, H?" you requested.

And of course, he relented, "Okay, baby. Whatever you want."

Yeah, you couldn't wait for this to happen for the rest of tour.

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