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Summary: You and Harry are enjoying some much needed time off in Costa Rica.

Hi guys! I thought of this one-shot while listening to Holiday by Little Mix (hence the name), so I hope you like this one!

Chapter Warnings: smut!! 18+ only!! dry humping, harry gets a love boner, cursing as per usual, paparazzi ruining everything, beach day fluff

Can we make it all night?

We don't stop, all up on my body, babe, ooh

Touch me like a summer night, you feel like a holiday, ooh

Up all night, we don't stop, feel up on my body, babe

We're just dancing the night away

Boy, you feel like a holiday

Holiday-Little Mix

This was the most relaxed you had been in a long time. Both you and Harry had been away filming movies for what felt like forever. And since you were filming in Russia and he was in the US and UK, the two of you hardly got to see each other. But now, both of you were finally finished and were reunited. It was Harry that suggested that the two of you went on a holiday, and you wholeheartedly agreed. The only thing you were nervous about was getting caught. Though the two of you had been dating for almost three years, no one apart from your family and close friends knew about it. You wanted to have as normal of a relationship as you could. Despite your nerves, it didn't take much convincing on Harry's end to get you to go; you knew you both needed the time away.

That was how you ended up on the beach in Costa Rica two weeks after Harry's proposition. It was absolutely stunning; there was so much biodiversity in the more inland parts of the country, and the beaches had the clearest water you had ever seen. Currently, you and Harry were swimming in those very waters, and you were the most relaxed you had been in ages. It looked like Harry was too, the smile on his face was the biggest you had seen it since before he started filming. You were sitting on the beach, allowing the water to just cover your legs while Harry was out a bit deeper, splashing around in the water. His curly brown hair was stuck to his forehead, making you giggle to yourself.

But Harry heard you and walked a bit more inland, "What's s' funny, love?"

"Nothing," you quickly responded, a smile still on your face.

His eyes narrowed, "Y' laughing at me, aren't y'?"

"Never!" you lied.

His lips quirked up into a smirk, "Y' such a liar. I'll teach y' to laugh at me."

Your eyes widened as he sprinted toward you and you scrambled to stand up. But you weren't quick enough. Harry scooped you into his arms and carried you into the ocean!

"Harry, put me down!" you squawked.

He raised an eyebrow, "You want me to put you down, do you?"

"Harry, no-!"

Harry promptly dumped you into the ocean! You came up from the water, spluttering from the salty taste.

You glared at him, "That was rude."

"So was laughin at me," he retorted, a victorious smile on his face.

"Your hair looks funny, I couldn't help it!"

"Oh, s' now y' making fun of m' hair. Don' think y've learned y' lesson yet."

He lunged for you again, but this time, you quickly dodged to your left and splashed water onto his side!

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