Hot & Sweet

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A sweet, romantic moment playing out in the kitchen. Just because we don't get enough of those on the show :)

Enjoy reading! Do leave behind your comments/criticisms as it's my first attempt at writing something lighthearted and romantic.


Priya was up early as usual, but there was something different about this morning. Even a stranger would be able to see the happiness her face reflected today. In a few days, it would be a year since they got married. Today was not their wedding anniversary; it was the anniversary of their first date. Priya smiled to herself thinking of that date, of stolen glances, of how awkward they were and of course, sharing her ghee upma with Mr. Kapoor.

She was wondering if he would remember. And then, almost immediately chided herself. Wishful thinking! Where does your mind keep wandering now a days? Since when have you become such a hopeless romantic? And she turned to look at the sleeping form of the person who had brought out the hidden romantic in her. I don't think he will remember what's special about today, but maybe I can do something for him. But Priya, make sure he doesn't know, because if he does, you're in for some serious teasing! She shook her head, smiling to herself and proceeded to the kitchen to prepare something sweet for him. He so sincerely follows the diet I have set for him, it will be a welcome surprise when he wakes up.

Ram woke up in a while and couldn't find Priya in the room. She knows I like to wake up looking at her face, then why does she have to run away every morning before I wake up, he grumbled to himself. He quickly went to shower and get dressed, and then went in search of his disappearing wife. He found her in the kitchen, and stood at doorway watching her immersed in her work. She felt his presence and looked up. Good morning Mr. Kapoor! she greeted him. Would you like some coffee? she asked. He nodded in response and she busied herself making the coffee.

He took his coffee mug and perched himself comfortably on the kitchen counter, watching her flying around gathering ingredients to cook. Uff..I could just spend the day looking at her, if only she let me, he sighed wistfully. She was now measuring out some sugar for her recipe, and the bag of sugar tipped and some of it fell on her hands. She straightened the bag, but was blissfully unaware of some sugar still sticking to the back of her hand. At that very instant, she felt a tickle on her cheek and she used the back of her sugared hand to rub her face. And now, the sugar was on her face. Ram was watching her with rapt attention and a wicked grin appeared on his face. He slid off the counter and went towards her. As he approached her, she turned to look at him and asked, do you need anything Mr. Kapoor? Uh-huh, he said nodding his head, the look in his eyes making her tingle all over.

He walked up to her and was really close to her now, their faces just inches apart. Her breath hitched and eyebrows went up in surprise, trying to fathom what was happening. He was so close that their noses were almost touching, she could smell his scent, her heart beating so rapidly, she was sure it could be heard for miles. Her eyes closed in anticipation. He raise his thumb and gently wiped off the sugar from her cheek, brushing her lips with his thumb as he did so, and she felt herself losing herself in that moment. This was not the first time they were this close, but his presence had the same effect on her each time. He drew his thumb away from her face, gazing loving at his wife looking like a newly wed bride.

Priya, he called out softly, and she opened her eyes only to gaze into his deep blue eyes and lose herself all over again. Shall we take the celebration elsewhere? he asked huskily, with a meaningful smile. She broke out of her reverie, and looked him, wondering at what he just uttered! Did he know? Did he remember? But how? Mrs. Kapoor, he continued in the same husky voice that made her go weak in the knees, I will remember this day for as long as I live. It was the day that changed my life for ever, it was the day that brought me the happiness I thought would never be mine, it was the day when true love welcomed me into it's arms, the love that I was even too scared to dream of. It was our first date, Mrs. Kapoor, he said, his voice brimming with emotions, and it will remain etched in my memory forever. He moved forward, held her by her waist, pulling her close and left a lingering kiss on her cheeks.

So, Mrs. Kapoor, he said stepping back and grinning away to glory, will you answer my question now? What question Mr. Kapoor? she asked him bewildered, still blushing like a teenage girl. Shall we take the celebration elsewhere? he repeated. After all, the practical lesson has just started! Or maybe you would like to continue it here, he said mischievously with a glint in his eyes. Mr. Kapoor!! she exclaimed wide eyed, what are you saying?! She playfully hit his arm, and then slowly took his hand and led him upstairs, the sweet dish she was busy preparing completely forgotten. 

It was after all, no match for the sweetness they brought into each others lives!

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