When the universe conspired to bring us together - Part 1

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This TS, which originally started as an OS is a callback to one my most favorite episodes of the show - Episode 3. My story starts on the day after RaYa's beautiful bedroom conversation (Episode 178). When I started writing this story, I knew how I wanted to end it, but this time I found it really hard to keep it short. So please bear with me, and I promise you a lovely end to the story. 

Do let me know in your comments what I'm doing right or where I'm going wrong. 

Happy reading!


Ram was back home early today; he was looking forward to the evening. He had but one mission - to spend some quality time with his biwi. His confidence was soaring after he eavesdropped on her kitchen conversation with Shivi. All his doubts about her not wanting to go with him alone to Alibaug were washed away. His wife wanted to spend time with him..and he will make it happen, come hell or high water. And if the evening went well, who knew, maybe she would open up a little more to him, maybe she would even confess her feelings, he chirped away happily to himself.

Everyone was away that evening, busy with one engagement or another. It was the perfect day for his plan, and it definitely helped that there was no explaining to be done to the family - not that he didn't want to, but he was sure Priya would get embarrassed by the questions, especially from Shivi! After their first romantic night of intimacy, they hadn't had the chance to spend a lot of alone time with each other except for some stolen moments. After the lovely conversation they had last night, where they all but confessed their feelings to each other, he definitely wanted more. Also, he accepted selfishly, finally he would have her all to himself!

Still lost in thought, he didn't realize that he'd reached their bedroom and was standing at the doorway, oblivious to the fact that Priya was looking at him quizzically. She walked over to him and gently tapped him on the shoulder to break his trance. Mr. Kapoor, Mr. Kapoor..kahan kho gaye? He snapped backed to reality, getting all flustered. Woh..Priya..main..woh..mujhe toilet jaana hai! and he made a run for the washroom before she could even react! She giggled looking at her husband behaving like the goofball that he was.

Arre..you're not ready yet? he asked her teasing her. She looked at him, confused. Ready, for what? she asked. You don't remember, I told you to be ready. That's why I've come early too! he continued, still teasing her, knowing fully well she had no clue what he was talking about. Mr. Kapoor, she exclaimed, hands on hips with a hint of annoyance, you didn't tell me anything! How could you forget to tell me? What if I had a prior engagement? By the way, where are we supposed to be going to? Ram interrupted her, afraid of angering her anymore lest she refuses to go with him. Okay, sorry, I'm sorry..main mazaak kar raha tha. Please don't get angry. Woh, since everybody is coming along with us to Alibaug, I wanted us to spend some time alone, so I thought we could go for a dinner date, he continued. Since it is only the two of us for dinner tonight, I thought we could go out together and I can also give the staff a break. Afterall, they should also be able to spend quality time with their families, hai naa? he added with a smug smile. He knew he had clinched the deal! There was no way Priya would turn down the dinner date now, he smirked! Theek hai, we can go, she declared, just as he had anticipated.

He went downstairs and waited whilst she got ready. He saw her coming down the stairs and was completely bewitched looking at her. He couldn't bring himself to peel his eyes from her as she walked down the stairs. She was a picture of beauty and elegance, dressed in a simple off white salwar suit with small pink embroidery work on the kurti, pink salwar and a beautiful pink dupatta with a golden border. Her mangalsutra adorned her neck, a simple stud matching her clothes, sindoor on her forehead, his maa's kangans on her wrists and a touch of lip gloss finished her look. He was so spellbound looking at her, he failed to notice that he'd been staring at her unblinkingly. Mr.Kapoor, he heard a voice calling out. Chalein? He nodded and they stepped out together.

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