Yeh Milan ho Dobara, Pyaar ka Dard Hai...

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Hello, lovely readers!

It feels amazing to be back with a new RaYa story! I had a lot of ideas that never saw the light of day after I chose to quit watching BALH2 (sometime after the memory loss track), having been utterly disappointed with the direction in which the show was going. And with that, my desire to write RaYa stories also dwindled.

The announcement of S3 rekindled my love for them, so here's a little something from my side to celebrate them gracing our screens one more time.

BALH3 and the return of NM and DP are testaments to the love we had for them and the characters they brought to life on screen.

PS: Do listen to the song (OG track - Pyaar ka dard hai.. when you get to the café section of the OS)

Enjoy reading :)


It's been 9 months since their wedding, and it was only recently that Priya confessed her feelings for Ram. From casual handholds and the occasional hug, they were now relishing their newfound physical intimacy. But both of them, not ready yet to face their families, chose to keep this progress in their relationship under wraps.


The cry jolted Priya from her slumber. It was still early; the sun rays were just starting to filter in through the gaps in the curtains, with the soft chirping of birds in the background and the cool morning breeze gently blowing through the windows.

Rubbing her eyes, she turned to find the source of the cry. Her eyes locked in on Ram, sitting in an oddly twisted position, clutching his back, and wincing in pain. 

"Mr. Kapoor, what happened?" she asked, concerned.

"Woh Priya.. I think I've hurt my back. I think I slept funny," he continued seriously, paused, and promptly burst into peals of laughter at his joke, only to wince again as his pain flared up.

"Mr. Kapoor, really!!? You think now is a good time to open the treasure chest of your lame jokes," she groaned.

Ram looked at her, feigning hurt.

"Ouch! That hurt," he grumbled. "Remember, didn't we say on our engagement day that maybe we're getting married to make each other laugh? You made a deal, and now you're backing out! You made a lifetime commitment to laughing at my wonderfully lame jokes," he smirked.

She rolled her eyes at his feeble attempt at a tantrum and dipped her hand into her bag, rummaging through it.

"Mr. Kapoor, please take off your kurta and lie down."

Ram's eyes nearly popped out hearing this. Kya?? She wants to do it ... again!? Wow! But kitni mean hai yaar, how can I? I mean, I can and I know how, but *how*?" he thought, scratching his head. And his thoughts momentarily wandered to their last night's rendezvous, where they made Shakespeare's metaphorical beast with two backs more than once. I thought I tired her out, but it seems like I need to work on my stamina to keep up with my tigress, he thought, smiling cheekily and running his finger over his lips.

"Mr. Kapoor, Mr. Kapoor, are you even listening to me?" She called out, waving her hands in front of his eyes.

"Really, Mr. Kapoor, it's no use talking to you! I better do it myself," she huffed, getting tired of waiting for him to break out of his trance. She walked up to him and started unbuttoning his kurta.

"P..P..Priya..what are you doing? We—I mean, I—can't do this now," he mumbled. 

"What are you mumbling, Mr. Kapoor? Do what now? Didn't you just say your back was hurting? I thought I could rub this balm on your back, and then you could take a warm shower. See? " She showed him the balm she had in her hand. "It will give you some relief, and you can go and see the doctor later today."

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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