When the universe conspired to bring us together - Part 2

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Thank you for all the wonderful reactions and comments on the first part of the story!

Today, I bring you the concluding part of my two part story.

Happy reading! And do leave behind your comments!


They finished their dinner shortly and were on the way home. Ram seemed to have gone strangely quiet, it was as if he was pondering over something very deeply. Priya just sat silently enjoying the ride as she didn't want to interrupt his train of thoughts. Soon, they were home and changed into their night clothes, ready for bed. But Ram was still not his usual self. This time Priya decided to ask him directly. Mr Kapoor, has something happened? You have been very quiet since we left the restaurant. Is there something I can help with? He looked up at her and gave her a smile..nothing serious really. There's no problem. I was just thinking of another strange thing that happened on the same day at the restaurant. I'm actually surprised at how it slipped from my memory until it came back to me a while back. Priya was now listening very attentively.

You know, he continued, that day when Bri got upset, I assumed she went to the ladies room, so I followed her. And you stood outside the door trying to talk to her and make her feel better, Priya asked. Ram looked at her a little bewildered. Yes, he nodded, but I realized that it was not Bri, so I left from there. She nodded and continued, but before leaving you spoke to her right? You told her what does it matter what anyone says about your looks, will you cry? You reassured her that she was beautiful both from inside and outside. And then convinced her to wipe away her tears and look at herself in the mirror, and truly see herself for the person she was, not through the eyes of the judgmental world, but the eyes of the people who loved her. Hai naa? Ram stood rooted to the spot, mouth open, looking at Priya completely flabbergasted. Nothing that was happening was making any sense to him. How did Priya know all this..and that too in so much detail?

Ek second..tell me, how do you know all this? I haven't even spoken about this to Adi till date. Mr. Kapoor, she said with a smile that reached all the way to her eyes, I was the one on the other side of the door on that day. It was me that you said all those things to thinking it was Bri. That day, I thought I had reached my breaking point, but your words gave me fresh hope. She went on to tell him about what happened that day with the man she had come to meet and how sir had aimed his poisonous barbs at her and how she had finally succumbed to tears and found refuge in the ladies room. Ram's face darkened, his fist clenched and his eyes filled with tears of rage. How dare that man treat his wife this way! What kind of a monster was he? How can someone like him even be called a human being? The more he got to know about this vile man, the more he believed that he should suffer the worst form of punishment for all the grief and trauma he has put Priya and the Sood family through all these years.

He turned to look at Priya, with a softness in his eyes that was reserved only for her. He took her hands in his hands, his voice heavy with emotion, Priya, I'm really sorry you had to go through so much. You have endured so much..you can't believe how proud I am of the person you are today and how lucky I am that you came into my life. I promise you today, I will always be by your side. She rubbed his hand reassuringly, it's okay Mr. Kapoor, she said with a slight smile, I'm okay now. And with you by my side, I don't fear anyone or anything now. I often thought about that encounter, she continued, I must have thanked the faceless stranger a thousand times in my mind, but never once did I imagine I would be married to him, she said emotionally. Mr. Kapoor, you are the blessing I did not even know I had received until now. Unable to find words to express herself, on an impulse, she enveloped him in a hug. Thank you for coming into my life Mr. Kapoor, you are truly like the sun and your sunshine has dispelled all the dark clouds of my past.

Ram returned her hug with an intensity and passion that he had never felt before, the realization that the universe had conspired to bring them together and a promise to himself that he was never going to let her go. Priya, sensing what they were both feeling returned the hug with the same passion. They stayed in each others embrace, secure, neither saying a word, riding the wave of emotions coursing through their bodies and minds. His hands started stroking her back slowly while she ran her hands through his soft curls. He cradled his head in the crook of her neck pulling her even closer, burying his head in her tresses and started kissing her neck passionately. She suddenly became aware of what was happening and self consciously turned away, smiling shyly, unable to face him.

He pulled her back towards him, her back against his chest and their bodies melting into one another. His right hand wrapped around her waist, he used his left hand to gently push away her long tresses away from her shoulder. She instinctively tilted her neck allowing him more access. He ran his finger along the nape of her neck feeling her smooth skin, making her shiver in anticipation. He started placing soft feathery kisses along the path he traced, and cradled into the crook of her neck, taking in the sweet scent of her strawberry and mint shampoo. How long had he longed to lose himself in those tresses! She felt every atom in her body awaken with each touch of his. She was losing control, yet all she wanted, in fact all she needed, was to lose herself completely - to this feeling and to this man who had evoked emotions in her that had been lying dormant since an eternity.

He slowly turned her around until they were facing each other, their faces only inches apart. She averted her gaze from his face, still unable to meet his eyes. He lifted her face gently and they gazed into each others eyes. He circled his left hand around her waist holding her close, while his right hand gently tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ears. He pulled her closer as his eyes searched her face trying to make sure she was comfortable. She noticed his questioning gaze and responded with a slight nod giving him her consent . He ran his fingers through her hair and placed a lingering kiss on her cheek, then started slowing trailing kisses along her jaw line and pausing to gently caress the tip of her earlobe with his lips before delicately nibbling it. His lips delicately grazed her lips and rested on them for a moment, the touch sending a tingle through their spines, before moving to the other side of her face.

Her body and mind were in a tizzy..the air conditioning in the room no match for the fire raging within. She hid her face in his chest, his chest hair rubbing against her face giving her goosebumps. She held on to his kurta, all the while taking in his scent..that familiar woody musk fragrance that tantalized her senses every time he came close. He held her close to his heart, allowing themselves to soak in the moment. Then, tenderly he lifted her head and moved back the tresses fallen on her face. She tilted her head and moved closer to his face, mirroring his kiss on her cheek with her own, caressing his face with her other hand. She gently tugged his earlobe with her lips and kissed him just behind his ear. Her closeness, her warm breath on him, her smooth skin rubbing against his beard made his heart race like a galloping horse. He felt a warmth spreading through his body, the fire within him had been lit and only raged wilder the closer he went to her. It was a strange new sensation of both calm and euphoria all at once. He had never felt this way before.

He looked into her eyes and saw the same fire in her eyes as were in his..but he also noticed a small flicker of hesitation. He gently cupped her face in his hands, gazed into her dark brown eyes and reassured her by lovingly placing a kiss on her forehead. He took her hands in his and softly whispered, our moment will come, we have our entire life ahead of us, but today is not the day. It will be whenever you are ready; both physically and mentally. Until then, let's just bask in this feeling and savor every moment that we spend in each other's company. She nodded, ridden with guilt for hesitating, but knew she needed to fully vanquish the demons in her head before she could give herself completely to him. She managed a slight smile looking adoringly at him. How did she get so lucky? Surely, someone in the skies had conspired to bring this man into her life, giving her a new lease of life! I'm the lucky one, he affirmed. She looked at him in shock, how is he able to read my mind? You are the best thing that has happened to me Priya, trust me, I'm luckier than you, he said with a smile that melted her heart. You brought new meaning to my life, you filled it with love, warmth and care and I cannot imagine spending a moment without you. You complete me in every sense.

Ab chalo bhi, tumhare hobby ka time ho gaya naa. Aur der ki toh it will be time for us to get dressed and leave for work, he joked in an effort to lighten the mood. She acknowledged with a smile and they went to bed, safely snuggled in each others arms, weaving dreams of tomorrow.

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