New OS (Link Updated)

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"Sorry!" She whispered, almost inaudibly.

"Sorry, for what? Look at me," Ram said, cupping her face in his hands. "Find me one husband who wouldn't be excited to see his wife being turned on by his touch. I dare you," he whispered hoarsely.

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Hey guys!!

Back after a long hiatus with something new :)

I got a lot of requests to continue the story of my last OS - Swept off his feet, here's the link if you haven't read it yet! ( 

I had never imagined writing a full blown mature story, but like they say, never say never! 

What you just read above, is a teaser from my new story - Mām, TvamEkam (You & I are One). 

Did the teaser manage to tease your imagination? 😉

Follow the link to read 😊:

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