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Riya and Manav were in the computer lab. She looked frustrated but tried keeping her calm. 

Riya: Manav, are you listening? 

Manav: Yes I am. 

Riya: Then what are you doing? I won't teach further if you zone out once again. 

Manav: But I can't help it. 

He said, looking a bit scared seeing her so angry. She drank water and calmed herself. 

Riya: You got lucky that its not sir who is teaching you, he would have thrown you out of the lab by now. 

Manav: That's true. 

Riya: You have to focus your mind first, otherwise there is no use of me repeating the same thing. Just try to clear your mind. 

Manav: How? 

Riya: Close your eyes and breath so that whatever is distracting you leaves your mind. 

He was confused on how will that help but did as she said. But she saw creases forming on his forehead and he closed his eyes more tightly just few seconds after closing them. 

Riya: Manav, what happened? 

His expressions eased as her voice brought him back to reality. He was taking deep breaths now. 

Riya: Ok now? 

He nodded and opened his eyes. She wanted to ask the reason behind the change in his expressions but then decided against it for which he was thankful to her. Soon they were done, this time he actually concentrated on what she taught. They were exiting the lab when, 

Riya: What happened, you look sad. Is there any concept you didn't understand? 

Manav: No, I understood everything. Its just I can't concentrate while studying. Today you helped, but what about other times? 

Riya: Just close your eyes and breath. 

Manav: Yeah sure, like you didn't notice the change in my expressions. 

Riya: You don't have to be rude. 

Manav: Sorry. 

Riya: And try few times, then maybe you'll be able to do it. 

Manav: Hmm. 

Riya: Also, I saw you with that group yesterday. So are you attending the party? 

Manav: No. I am not their friend as well. They were just irritating me and following me everywhere to trouble me. I am used to it so didn't bother showing any reaction to them. 

Riya: Oh. 

Manav: Take the devils' name and they appear. You go from here or they'll be behind you also. 

She started going but the group reached them, fortunately not hearing anything. 

B1: What's the hurry? Let us also talk to your friend. You are our friend and she is yours, so she'll be our friend as well. 

Manav: You go. 

Riya went from there. 

B2: Who was she? 

B3: Her room is adjacent to yours only. I had knocked on her room's gate by mistake at that time.

B1: Ohh, that's great. 

Manav rolled his eyes while continuing to walk. 

B4: Btw why was she talking to you? 

Rohit: Let me guess, she doesn't know your truth. 

B2: That's not possible. He must have told her some lies and all sweet words and convinced her to be his friend. 

Manav: She is not my friend. I just met her and she was randomly talking to me. She doesn't know me. 

B3: That makes sense. Forget her, tell about yourself. 

Manav: I am not interested in talking to any of you. 

Two of them came in front of him now, so that he stops walking. 

Rohit: Manav, you shouldn't be so rude to your friends. 

Manav: I would never be friends with b*st*rds like you all. Just get lost from here. 

He glared them and all of them were scared. Rohit and two others left, but the other two didn't. 

B1: We are not scared of you. 

B4: Yes, you can't threaten us. 

Manav: When did I threaten you both? And I never said you are scared of me. 

Rohit came back. 

Rohit: Have you both gone mad? Don't make him angry, lets just go. 

The three went and he sighed going to his room. His phone rang and he was confused seeing the id. 

Manav: Hello. 

??: Manav, can you come home day after tomorrow? Its Saturday anyways. 

Manav: No, I am not coming. 

??: But why? Its been long since you have come. 

Manav: What work do you have? 

??: I don't have any work beta, I just want to meet you. 

Manav: And I don't. Don't waste my time calling me for no reason. Talk to me only if you have some work. 

MF: I am your father Manav, who speaks like this with their father? 

Manav: Those people do who are cursed to have a father like you. 

MF: But Manav... 

Manav cut the call in between and threw the phone on bed. He could feel the hurt in his father's voice, but didn't care about it. There was a knock on the door but didn't open it as he was angry. After sometime he opened it and went from there. He directly went to the gym and started punching the bag. There were few people there who left the moment he entered as he gestured them to. After sometime a hand held is, but he could feel it shaking. He looked at the person who got more scared. 

Manav: Good afternoon sir. 

T: Good afternoon. 

Manav: You needed anything sir? 

T: A..actually I had a class here, so... 

Manav: Oh, sorry sir, I didn't know. I'll go. 

He left  from there after the teacher nodded. 


Did really one sister kill the other? If not why is she lying?

Will Sid reach the true killer (if it is not Avneet/ Avanti)?

What is the further truth that Jai couldn't say?

What did Avneet mean by the words she said to the detective?

Why does Manav hate his father?

Why are everyone so scared of Manav?


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