Chapter 23

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The next morning I woke up early and got the rest of the guys up so we could cook breakfast and get everything ready for Shiloh's birthday. Rian and I made her breakfast while Alex and Jack got the presents ready. When we were finished, I went into my room. Shiloh was on the phone with who I assume was the school.

"Yes, ma'am. I can bring the hospital note and everything when I can come back..... If you really don't believe me then I guess I'm going to have to have my dad call you. Have a great day." she hung up and started texting. I sat on the bed next to her.

"Good morning, love." she looked over and smiled at me.

"Morning, Zack."

"Happy birthday, Shiloh." I leaned over and kissed her head, making her blush. She moved closer to me and I put my arm around her. She finished texting her dad before looking up at me.

"I'm sorry about what happened last night." she rested her head on my chest. I played with her hair and sighed.

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault."

"But it is, it's my fault I kissed you."

"Oh, you're talking about that. Don't apologize, please." she put my hand in mine before intertwining our fingers. I brought her hand up to my lips and kissed it. She kept blushing and buried her face in my chest.

"Aw, so cute."

"Shut up." she mumbled.

"Make me." I laughed a little. She sat up a little and squinted her eyes at me.

"Yes?" I smirked. Shiloh shook her head before standing up.

"I'm hungry." she whined.

"Good. We made breakfast." I picked her up and carried her downstairs. The guys were all in the living room waiting for her. Rian was holding food and Alex and Jack had some presents in front of them.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SHILOH!!!" they shouted. Shiloh got out of my arms an hugged them all.

"Thanks, guys." We all sat at the table and started eating.

When we were done, she started opening her presents. Alex and Jack got her a bunch of our merch, and Rian got her some new games for her Xbox. I had a present for her, but it was for later. Shiloh was sitting in the floor with the dogs while the guys and I were getting stuff ready. Rian and Alex called their girlfriends over and Jack and I got our instruments ready in the basement. Savannah and Lisa came over, they were hanging out with Shiloh in the living room while we finished getting everything together in the basement. Finally we were ready.

"Shilohhhh!" Jack sang out as he ran up the stairs with me trailing behind.

"Yes, Jack?" Shiloh giggled as he picked her up and twirled her around.

"You ready for Zack's present? Technically its from all of us but it's his idea."

"Of course!" she smiled at me. We all went downstairs, she stared at the instruments confused.

"Just sit with the girls and relax, doll." I kissed her cheek. We got to our places and started playing a medley of her favorite All Time Low songs. She was nodding her head and singing along. I saw Sav sitting next to her and Lisa recording behind them. She's gonna love this for sure.

We got to the end of our little performance when Alex motioned for Shiloh to stand next to him. I took his spot and he went over to Lisa. Shiloh looked at me confused, I just smiled at her. The guys and I started playing a b-side we have called Chemistry. As I was playing the bass, I was singing to her. She was grinning and shook her head a little at me. When the song ended, I took off my bass and hugged her tight. Shiloh hugged me back even tighter. When we pulled away from the embrace, she put her hands on the sides of my face and kissed me passionately. My arms went around her waist, it just felt so natural. Everyone was cheering, making her blush.

"You know, you're adorable when you blush." I whispered in her ear.

"Be quiet, haha. But thank you for that. All of it. It was just great." she put her hand in mine. Sadly, our moment was ruined by Rian.

"Hey, Shiloh. It's time you change your dressing." she nodded and I went upstairs with her. We were bombarded by the pups, they tried to jump on Shiloh but I blocked her.

"Not right now, guys." she laughed a little and scratched Blaze's head. Baz and Peyton laid down and Blaze followed us to my room.

"Do you need help with changing it?" she shrugged at my question.

"I think I got it." she pulled out the materials. Shiloh lifted up her shirt a little, showing the bandaging. She started to unravel it until only the gauze was on her wound, she put on antibiotic cream on the wound and put new gauze back on. She was struggling wrapping new bandages around her abdomen. Shiloh looked at me with a sheepish smile.

"Can you help me?"

"Of course, love." I tighten the bandages as I wrap it around her, making sure it's secure yet comfortable.

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