Chapter 24

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After we got Shiloh's bandages switched, we decided to cuddle and watch a couple of movies. Blaze kept switching from the floor to the foot of the bed, next to Shiloh.

"Alright, dude. You gotta pick a spot. You jumping on and off the bed hurts my side." Shiloh told him. Blaze laid down at the foot of the bed and gave a little huff, making us laugh. I kept my arms wrapped around her; I didn't want to let go. I played with her hair and scrolled through my phone. Whenever I'm with her I feel at peace. Shiloh positioned herself and got comfortable, I kept holding her. I guess we fell asleep like that because I woke up to Shiloh trying to sit up. I moved my arms so she could.

"Morning, baby," I mumbled. She turned around and kissed me.

"Good morning, I'll be back in a few." Shiloh got up and walked out of the room, Blaze following. She came back with a towel around her and her hair was wet.

"Need help putting on your bandages?" she nodded at me. I turned around so she could get dressed.

"You know you don't have to keep doing that." Shiloh giggled.

"O-. I-. I know. I just wanted to respect your privacy. Especially after all you've been through." I blushed and looked down. I felt Shiloh's arms wrap around me and her damp skin on my back.

"And you don't need to treat me like I'm fragile. Please." She mumbled into my back. I sighed and nodded, shifting in her arms so we are facing each other and I wrapped my arms around her.

"I promise I'm not trying to. That's not my intention. I just want to show you that I respect you as a person." I kissed her head.

"You have no idea how much I appreciate that, really." we pulled away and I helped her wrap the bandage around her. Shiloh sat on the bed and sighed before looking at me.


"Nothing, just thinking." I sat next to her.

"Thinking about what?"

"A lot. School, my dad, everything that happened with Trevor, us...." Shiloh's voice drifted off. I rubbed her back comfortingly and smiled at her.

"It will all work out. We do have to go to the courthouse and file that restraining order today."

"Right, I forgot about that yesterday." she stood up, using my arm for support. We walked downstairs, Jack was watching TV.

"Where's Rian and Alex?" I asked.

"Oh, Alex went to Lisa's, and Rian and Sav are out doing whatever." He waved his hand and moved his focus back to the screen. Shiloh sat next to Jack and watched Nightmare Before Christmas while I got ready for the day.

I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I looked in the mirror. I smiled at my messed-up hair, I really should get it cut. I got undressed and got in the shower, enjoying the hot water rushing down my skin. My mind started to wander, thinking about Shiloh, how we'd grown close. I really do care about her, more than I can express to her. I got out of the shower and got dressed. I grabbed a hoodie in case one of us got cold and I make my way down the stairs. Shiloh is curled up watching the movie with Jack, I smile at the two and walk behind Shiloh and lean over the couch and kiss her on the cheek.

"You ready to go?" I ask her, she nods and gets up. We walk to my car, I open the door for her and she gets in. I get in on the driver's side and start the car, headed towards downtown.

"Zack, I have a question..." Shiloh mumbled.

"What is it?" I turned down the radio.

"What are we?"

I ponder on the question for a couple of minutes, finishing the drive and pulling into a parking spot. I put the car in park and turn towards her.

"That depends, what do you want to be?" I ask in return.

"I... I don't know. I don't want to ruin our friendship, but I like you a lot. However, I know I am not capable of being in a relationship. I know I have to work on myself." She rambled off. I just smiled and watched her as she talked.

"Alright, then we can be friends, we could be in that 'talking phase'," I used air quotes, "Or I could court you and flirt with you and whenever you're ready we can date. How does that sound?"

"I like how that sounds. But I want you to know that you don't have to wait on me. If you find someone you want to pursue-." I cut off Shiloh by putting my hand behind her head and kissing her passionately. She gasped and tangled her fingers in my hair, returning the kiss. I pulled away and kept our foreheads touching.

"Shiloh, I want to pursue you. You are amazing and beautiful and I want to protect you and cherish you. I want to show you your worth." I saw the tears in her eyes forming, I wiped them away and kissed her nose before sitting up. "Come on, let's do this."

We walked into city hall, papers in hand. We went through security and then to the front desk, we explained the situation and the secretary pointed us where to go. After a couple of hours, we finally got everything notarized and the judge signed off on the restraining order.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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