~Searching an exit~

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12/02/13 I UPDATED! Yeay! Dedicated to @Brianna1DTomlinson cuz she's AMAZING, AWESOME etc. And she was again the first to comment <3 Enjoy! xx

Chapter 1: Searching an exit

Emmalin's P.O.V.

I shook my head hesitatingly but sadly.

‘I lost my big sissie.’ He stuck his hand out to me. I looked up a bit scared but laid it in his when he comforted me and offered me to help find her. With that I immediately broke another one of my sister’s rules. But he didn’t seem dangerous, did he?

‘I’m Jacob.’ He spoke up when my sobbing had died down. I shivered. He told me a name, first step.

‘So what’s yours?’

‘Huh?’ I looked up confused.

‘Your name? What is it?’ I gulped. Second step.

‘I-It’sss.’ What to say? What to say? ‘It’s Mackenzie.’ I hesitated again but he didn’t seem to notice.

‘Nice to meet you Mackenzie.’ I put on a slight fake smile and through my glassy eyes, I could see his warm, chocolate brown eyes looking into mine.

I turned my head away and soon noticed we were heading for the exit. Third step. I knew what to do but I can’t just yell for help in the middle of the store, can I?

‘Emmalin!’ I heard that oh so familiar, overly protective voice of my sister.

I saw her standing with tears on her cheeks as well next to an employee with a speaker. I immediately ran over to her, forgetting all the rest.

‘I’m sorry.’ I mumbled against her tummy as she enveloped me in a hug. Unlike me, my sister was tall for her age.

‘Just- never do that again okay?’ She stroke my hair and I nodded. My sister wasn’t emotional often so she quickly regained from her little scene.

‘Mackenzie?’ A confused voice sounded behind me. Oh shit.

‘Emmalin?’ My sister’s voice now rang as well. ‘I think that guy is talking to you.’ She turned me around with a stern look, making me face Jacob.

‘Uh yeah…’

‘So this is your sister?’ He smiled warmly at both of us and I mentally cursed him. Well, he didn’t know so curse me! I saw the disapproving look of my sister.

‘I-it’s not what it looks like, I swear!’ Poor Jacob, he probably thinks I’m a freak now jusr like everyone else who knows me. Or knew me…

‘Emmalin, you know what mum said about talking to strangers!’ I was about to cry again. I know it was my fault but ugh, I just couldn't do anything right lately.

‘Yes…’ I sighed. ‘But Lilly just listen, I lost you and I bumped into him and he wanted to help me.’ I shivered as I thought help me, the thought I could’ve been kidnapped was unbelievable but not true. Now I felt guilty about that as well. I freed myself from my sister’s hands on my shoulders and stepped forward to Jacob again. I looked up and my blue-green eyes got met by his dimpled smile.

‘I’m sorry for what happened.’ I pouted.

‘Hey, it’s no problem I just wanted to help you Mackenzie.’

‘Oh yeah, my name isn’t Mackenzie either… It’s Emmalin but I watch too much movies and thought you were gonna kidnap me.’ I let my head fall down again, so my brown hair fell in front of my face and no one could see the guilt written on it. ‘I read Mackenzie on someone’s name tag.’

I thought he was walking away or just standing there debating on whether I was mad or crazy or all of that. But instead he laughed.

He laughed? And my sister started laughing as well? Maybe I’m daydreaming again… Unless, unless Lilly got a text from mum! I looked up with a hopeful gaze and she nodded, silently replying to my hopeful look.

It actually is like this, if Lilly gets a text from mum that means my parents are going on a ‘date’. That means Lilly isn’t afraid of what will happen and we can just eat some pizza or something else you can defrost.

‘It’s okay. Well nice to meet you then Emmalin.’ He emphasized my name.

I smiled up at him and immediately became my hyper, unstoppable self.

‘So where are you from?’ I jumped next to his side. My sister was continuing her shopping and Jacob was walking with us.

‘I’m from around here.’ He smiled.

‘Oh we’re not. We moved from London over here. Milton Keynes, right? I’m not good with names. So we just moved!’ I rambled but he didn’t seem to care. I already like him! I thought in a high pitched sing-a-song voice. Yeah I’m weird, live with it!

‘Oh so you’re new?’ I nodded.

‘Hey, are you the one who bought that house in-‘ He said some sorta name that sounded like our new address and as Lilly agreed with him, I knew we were living in the same street! Yay!

‘Our parents aren’t home tonight, wanna come over at ours?’ Lilly asked. I looked confused at her. Mum said we couldn’t invite people, yet. She had a smile on her face and when she caught my look she put  finger on her mouth. Like I would tell mum?!

‘Um yeah sure.’ Jacob agreed. ‘I’ll just be stopping by my home to drop off the groceries and stuff.’ He told us.

‘Yeah, we’ll wait for you at the exit.’ Lilly smiled as our shoppings were almost done.

‘Bye Jacob!’ I waved happily.

He smiled and continued his own shopping.

‘We’re gonna be friends, we’re gonna be friends. Lalalalala.’ Lilly giggled.

‘Hey Em, then you do need to promise me something?’ She bit her lip as I nodded.

‘This will be our secret until I find the right time to tell them okay?’ I nodded and with that we went to the paydesk.

A/N: So I updated finally! And Jacob Skelton HIMSELF (lol) knows about it. He said he dm'd me but he didn't so I let him know when he's on again ;) Sorry it's shooooort :/

If I'm wrong with any information, you need to tell me! And I can take criticism so please let me know what you think?

From now on I'll update when I reached a limit. Let's start with 2 votes and 2 comments? Okay you almost achieved that so the next one will be up soon ;) xx


You okay, little miss? {A Jacob Skelton Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now