Chapter One

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Age :
Tommy : 5
Techno : 17
Wilbur : 17
Philza : 36 (i mean why not)

No ones POV

It was a really warm day today , the sun was out , there where no clouds and if you listened close you could hear bee's and birds.

,,Tommy , come on wake up" one of the orphanage workers shock Tommy a little so that he would wake up

,,Morning" Tommy said while sitting up and yawning

,,Morning Toms , be done in 30minutes , some people are here to adopt a child" The lady said and left.

Tommy got ready , he brushed his teeth , made his hair and got dressed , he had a yellow sweater , brown jeans and red shoes on.

He still had 10minutes so he leaned against the wall and sat on his bed and accidently fell asleep.

20Minutes later he woke up and looked at the time , he noticed that he was 10minutes late so he ran down , The orphanage workers teached them some things like the times and everything

,,Im so sorry I-" Tommy tripped and fell , It did hurt but he decided to ignore the pain and apologize

,,Sorry , i fell asleep" he said , The nice lady helped tommy up

,,Its okay Tommy , are you okay? *Tommy nodded* ok now , Do you want to talk to the family? Im sure they would like to meet you" The family stood right behind her talking with other kids

,,No , i will let them talk to the others" Tommy smiled bright , one of the family members looked to tommy and then back to his father

,,hey dad , can we talk to the blond kid there? We didnt talk to him yet" the boy said

,,Sure Wil , Techno you coming?" Techno just sat on the side on a Chair

,,fineee" he stood up and they walked to tommy

,,Hello , did you decide yet?" The lady asked them

,,No not yet , is it okay if we talk to the little kid behind you?" phil asked with a smile

,,Of course it is Mister Minecraft. Tommy come on , dont be shy" she chuckled , She walked to the other kids and talked with them. The family kneed down to tommy

,,Hello , Im Philza but you can call me Phil"

,,Im Technoblade but i prefer Techno"

,,and Im Wilbur"

,,Phil... T-Techi and.. Wilby" Tommy said looking at them

,,Im Thomas , but i prefer Tommy.." you could see how nervous Tommy was

,,well Tommy , what do you like for games?" Phil asked and Tommy thought for a bit

,,Hmm i... i like Uno! I alaways win against Elli!" Ellie is the nice lady

,,Thats cool!" wilbur smiled

,,whats your favourite Animal Tommy?" Techno asked and Tommy didnt even need to think

,,baby Cows and baby Pigs! They look really cute!" tommy answered and Wilbur giggled , they asked some more questions and told tommy more about themself.

,,Im sorry to say this but please decide who you want to take home because its almost their sleeping time , everyone seems tired already" Elli said to the family

,,Of course , we'll be right back!" Phil answered , they walked to the side and talked who they would like to get to know more

,,So... found anyone you like here?" Phil asked the twins

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