Chapter eight

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a short reminder : i often write chapters but dont upload them for days so i litterly forgot what i wrote in this one xD

wilbur opened the door and they saw Ellie. Tommy ran up to her and hugged her

,,tommy! Are you okay honey?!" Ellie asked worried and kneed down to him and he nodded

,,whats going on?" Techno asked and ellie walked inside with tommy on his arms

,,tommy go pack your things please , i will explain everything to them" Ellie said and let him down , tommy nodded and ran upstairs

,,i-i'll go help him.. i think i know whats going on.." Techno sighed and walked upstairs after ellie gave him permission to go to tommy

,,so.. whats going on?" Wilbur asked confused

,,you see.. Tommy called me just a few minutes ago and told me whats been going on with the yelling. Hes scared to get hit or something else and asked me to please come get him , he tried to stay here with you as long as possible because he loves you guys like a real family" Ellie started to explain

,,w-what?.." phil mumbled

,,im taking him back to the foster system , also i will have to tell you everything that i always have to tell everyone else after picking a kid back up" Ellie said and they nodded

,,whats going to happen is.. Im taking tommy back and you will not be allowed to see him for a few Months.. please dont try to get him to stay because he made his descision." Ellie said and Phil started to slighly cry

,,Can we say goodbye before you leave with him?.." phil asked

,,of course" Ellie said with a small smile and right then Techno came down with tommy on his arms with his things

,,Tommys ready.." techno said and let tommy down trying not to cry

,,say bye tommy and then we can leave yea?" ellie smiled and took his things , tommy hugged techno

,,im sorry techie..." tommy said

,,its okay toms.. i understand.." Techno said and they let go , techno ruffled tommys hair and tommy walked over to phil after

,,Oh tommy.." phil said and hugged him

,,be careful yea?" Phil said and tommy nodded

,,Wilbur.. can i hug you?.." tommy asked a little scared and before he heard a answer he was already being hugged by a crying wilbur

,,im so sorry toms.." Wilbur said and let him go

,,its okay wilby.. bye everyone.." Tommy said and walked over to ellie

,,Lets go tommy" Ellie said and they walked to the car. They said bye to the family again and then drove away.

,,P-please tell me this i a dream.." Wilbur mumbled when they sat down in the livingroom tears falling down everyones faces , even Technos.

,,Its not and thats thanks to you." techno answered

,,How is it my fault!?" Wilbur asked angry

,,You always yelled at him or about him! Of course he would be scared at some point! Hell he even flinched when he you just hugged him without an answer!" Techno argued

,,I didnt mean for this to happen! I accidently let anger take over me!" Wilbur said

,,And that way to many times! We lost our Little brother because of your bulsh*t!" Techno said and stood up

,,Boys please calm down! We can always try again.. just.. with another kid.." Phil said trying to lighten up to mood

,,Dad i dont want another kid! I want tommy! Hes the only kid i ever really liked since we visited all these foster homes!" Techno said and sighed

,,Thanks again Wilbur soot." Techno mumbled and walked up to tommys room.

,,he walked up to tommys room didnt he?" Phil sighed

,,yea.. how did you know?" Wilbur answered

,,when you werent home for a week a few years ago he didnt want to leave your room till you were home" Phil chuckled

,,just this time.. its not a week" Phil sighed

,,dad im really sorry.. I-I promise i will do anything to get a second chance.." Wilbur said and phil chuckled

,,No wil , its okay.. Tommy made his decision (?) And thats final.. also we srent allowed to see him for a few Months now.." Phil said and Wilbur stood up

,,i'll go talk everything out with Techno.." Wilbur said and walked to tommys room , he knocked but didnt get an answer so he just walked inside and closed the door behind him

,,hey.." wilbur said and saw Techno sitting on tommys bed with a picture they all took a few weeks ago in his hand

,,What do you want wilbur.." Techno sighed and put the picture back on the night table

,,he.. didnt take it with him?" wilbur asked and sat down to techno

,,no.. he only packed clothes and his favourite stuffed animal we got him.. the raccoon" Techno chuckled at the end

,,Yea i remember him getting it.. It was a beautiful moment.." Wilbur smiled

,,What do you really want wil. Im sure you dont just want to talk about the memorys" Techno said

,,Im sorry Techno.. i couldnt control my anger and let it out on Tommy.. I have some issues with some friends and was angry wich caused me to yell at Tommy everytime" Wilbur sighed

,,We cant see him for a few Months but maybe we can try to ask him for a second chance when we can again?.." Wilbur asked

,,Dad wants to try with another kid wil" Techno Said

,,but we could ask him.. we all loved him and i know for a fact you and dad hide how sad you are right now. So lets try yea?" Wilbur said

,,No wilbur. He made his decision.." Techno said and left the room.

The next three Months Wilbur always annoyed Techno and Phil with trying another time with tommy and not look for another child. They werent allowed to foster for a few months but then they could foster again and wilbur hoped for a second chance with tommy

,,dad pleaseee Lets try to get in contact with them! I promise i will be better this time!" Wilbur said once again when they sat all togheter at the diner table

,,Wilbur soot minecraft. we are trying with another kid. What about Katie? She looked adorable and nice too" phil said and techno sighed

,,dad. Wilburs right.. we didnt even do anything to tommys room and im sure you just said katie because she has blond hair and blue eyes like tommy. Lets.. just try? Please" Techno said and phil sighed

,,Fine you two. I will try to get in contact with them and bring them to give us a second chance with Tommy.." Phil said

,,yes! Thanks dad!" They both said and phil chuckled

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