Chapter nine

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For two Months they tried to contact them and at every adoption centre they were or had called They told them tommy wasnt there. Tommy had moved adoption centres as it seemed wich made it not easy to see him again.

They didnt give up and luckily after Two years ,four days after Tommys seventh birthday ,they maybe found him. They had finally contacted the adoption centre where aparrently Tommy was now.

They told them they could come the next day so they did.

It was finally the day of going to tommy and hoping for a second chance, when they got in the Car Techno ran in the house again

,,whats with him now?" Wilbur asked and phil shrugged , Techno came back with a stuffed Raccoon and got in the car.

,,the Stuffed raccoon from tommy?"  Phil asked with a smile and began to drive

,,yea.. im sure he would like that even if he says he doesnt want to come..It has been two years so.. yea.." Techno sighed and they agreed.

,,Hey dad? Can we get mc'donalds on the way there? Im sure tommy would love that" Wilbur asked and phil agreed

,,sure" Phil said and after a three hours drive and a stop to get the mc'donalds they finally were at the foster care

,,ready?" Phil asked

,,yep.." Wilbur said and got out the car and had the happy meal for tommy

,,sure" Techno sighed and got out the car with the stuffed animal , Phil got out the car too and after closing the car they walked inside

,,Hello Minecrafts , its good to see you " a worker walked up to them

,,hello James (lets just name him that xD) , Yea it is i guess" Phil chuckled

,,Ready to see tommy?" james asked

,,We are" Phil said and the twins agreed

,,alright , hes up in his room. Oh and.. his bir-" James started but got intorupted (100% written wrong lol)

,,his birthday was four days ago" Wilbur said and he smiled

,,yea.. it was. I heard you knew him before.. but i will give a second chance to try with him so good luck" james said and started walking to tommys room and they followed him

,,i will leave you alone with him , tell me when your done , you have all the time of the world" james smiled and walked away while They knocked and waited for a answer

,,Come in?" Tommy said and Phil slowly opened the door before they walked inside

,,Hey tommy.." Phil said and they all smiled

,,O-oh.. hello.." Tommy said confused why they were there , he hadnt seen them for two years so it was a bit weird seeing them now after he had left. 

,,we.. got your raccoon and some mc'donalds for you" Wilbur chuckled and they showed it to him , tommy didnt go near them he just backed away a bit

,,Tommy.. we're- I'm really sorry for what happened" Wilbur said and they sat down on the floor infront of him

,,Are you hungry?" Wilbur asked and held the food to tommy , tommy shock his head and wilbur let the food down besides him. Tommy looked to Techno and noticed how sad he looked , he slowly started to walk to him and ran the last few steps to Techno and hugged him.

They were all shocked but then smiled , Techno hugged him back

,,do you want your raccoon toms?" Techno asked and they both let go

,,Can i?.." Tommy asked and Techno held the raccoon to tommy , tommy took it and smiled

,,Can we talk about everything toms?" Phil asked and tommy sat down to techno and leaned on him

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