Chapter six

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When they sat down on the couch Tommy let go of wilbur and yawned again

,,what would you like to watch toms?" Techno asked and tommy mumbled the answer

,,he said paw patrol" wilbur said and Techno turned paw patrol on

,,want to oder today? Im to lazy to cook" Phil admited and they all nodded while tommy was falling asleep

,,Pizza?" Phil asked and they nodded again

,,hey tom-" Wilbur looked down to tommy and smiled to see a sleeping tommy

,,I already know i wont eat all of the pizza so i can leave him two peaces from it for when he wakes up" Wilbur smiled and they nodded.

,,he can also have some from mine" Techno said

Phil ordered the food while they watched TV , of course they had changed the show

half an hour later the pizza finally got there and they began to eat , Wilbur carefuly layed tommy on a pillow with a blanket and smiled.

After a few minutes Tommy woke up again and sat up yawning

,,had a good rest toms?" Phil asked and tommy nodded

,,are you hungry? We left you some pizza" Wilbur smiled and tommy nodded. Wilbur gave Tommy the pizza and Tommy began to eat.

When he was done he placed the plate on the table and leaned on Wilbur again

,,are you okay tommy?" Wilbur asked and he nodded

,,would you like to stream with me today toms?" Techno asked and Tommy nodded excited

,,can i join you in your stream later on? When your still live when i have time?"wilbur asked

,,yea sure , we could like do a family stream and tell them about tommy , they have been asking a lot about him since he was on my stream once" Techno said and everyone agreed

,,yay!" Tommy smiled. A few Minutes later phils phone went off

,,Oh- Ellie's calling" Phil said and picked up


,,hello mister minecraft , i just wanted to ask how its going with Tommy" Ellie said

,,oh , everythings alright. He has been a good boy and it seems like he likes it here" Phil said and Ellie hummed

,,mhm , alright thats good. Can i speak with him?" Ellie asked

,,of course , tommy ellie wants to speak to you" phil smiled at tommy and gave him the phone

,,hello Ellie!" Tommy said

,,hey toms , how are you? Are they treating you good?" Ellie asked

,,im okay! They are really nice!" Tommy said and Ellie sighed in reliefe

,,its good to hear that toms , what are your guyses plan for today?" Ellie asked

,,Techie what are our plans for today?.." Tommy asked and looked at technoblade (Ellie hears everything)

,,the only plans for today is streaming with you , showing you how to play piano and to tell our friends and viewers about you with you" Techno answered

,,okey! Did you hear it ellie?" Tommy asked

,,i did toms , Then i guess have fun! And dont forget that you are allowed to call me!" Ellie said

,,yep! Bye ellie!" Tommy said and she hang up. Tommy gave phil the phone back and rubbed his eyes

,,so what do you want to do toms? Stream , tell our friends about you or play piano?" Wilbur asked tommy and tommy jumped up

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