Chapter seven

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,,are you okay tommy?" Phil asked and Tommy nodded

,,are you hungry?" Phil asked

,,No" Tommy answered

,,want to watch a movie?" Wilbur asked and Tommy stood up , he walked to the TV where a few DVD's were under the TV table , Techno chuckled and sat down to him

,,what do you want to watch toms?" Techno asked and showed him a few dvd's , Tommy pointed to Moana and Techno put everyover movie away

,,Moana it is" Techno said and put the movie in. Tommy made grabby hands to Techno when Techno stood up and Techno picked him up before sitting down on the couch with tommy

,,Alright , I'll go get snacks" Phil said and stood up. He picked the folder that was on the table up and walked to the kitchen

,hm.. Tommy has low blood sugar?' Phil thought when he read the file from tommy.

,,Tommy! Can you come here please?" Phil yelled and Tommy came in the kitchen a few minutes later

,,Hey toms , what do you want to drink?" Phil asked Tommy and tommy saw coke and orange juice

,,coke!" tommy smiled and tried to grab it from the counter but couldnt reach it

,,here tommy , also.. i didnt know you have low Blood sugar?" phil gave Tommy the coke and kneed down to him

,,oh! Yea i do! Ellie always gave me something sweet to drink or eat because of it!" Tommy smiled and Phil nodded

,,ok , you can go to the other two now" Phil smiled and Tommy walked back to the livingroom

,,He gave me a coke!" Tommy smiled and showed it prouldy to Techno and wilbur

,,thats cool toms , sit back down so we can contiune yea?" Wilbur said and helped tommy up on the couch. Tommy tried to open his coke and looked sad when he couldnt open it

,,should i help you?" wilbur asked and tommy nodded and gave it to him , Wilbur opened the coke and gave it him back

,,thank you!" Tommy smiled and drank from it.

,,your welcome toms" wilbur chuckled and looked back at the TV. Tommy tipped on wilburs arm and wilbur lolked at him again

,,what is it toms?" Wilbur asked and tommy gave him the coke , wilbur chuckled and placed it on the table

,,thanks" Tommy smiled

,,of course" Wilbur said and ruffled tommys hair. Tommy smiled and they contiuned to watch TV.

Phil walked in the livingroom to them with snacks and put them down on the Table before sitting down

,,So what are we watching again?" Phil asked

,,Moana!" Tommy said with a big smile

,,alright" Phil smiled

Tommy fell asleep in the middle of the movie and leaned against Wilbur

,,I will bring tommy to bed and then go to sleep to , good night" Wilbur said and picked tommy up

,,good night" techno and phil both said when he walked away.

Wilbur walked to tommys room and carefully let tommy down on the bed , he put the blanket over him and then left the room.


The next morning Tommy was the first to wske up , he wanted something to drink but didnt want to wake anyone up so he tried to get himself a glass down.

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