Chapter Ten

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when they were finally at the House Tommy stood infront of the car and just looked at the house and every memorie came up.

,,Tommy are you okay?" Techno asked

,,Oh- eh yea" Tommy said and started to walk to the door , Phil helped tommy get his things up in his room and Tommy had a small smile on his face when he saw his room untouched

,,you really didnt touch the room even one bit?.." Tommy asked and Phil put a hand on his shoulder

,,yea.. we kept it clean of course" Phil said and tommy smiled

,,everything okay tommy?" Phil asked and tommy sighed begining to put his things away in the closet and everything

,,its just.. Kind of weird to be back? I did miss you guys if im being honest.. just need time to trust you again.." Tommy explained

,,Its okay tommy , can i ask some questions? I mean it has been two years" Phil chuckled nervous and sat down on tommys bed

,,sure , go ahead" Tommy said while still putting his things away

,,in how many foster homes were you the past two years?" Phil asked

,,i think.. about six? Four of them didnt want me after three weeks and the other two kept me a little longer but then decided to try with someone else" Tommy shrugged

,,i cant believe we missed two of your birthdays.. when you turned six and then seven" Phil sighed

,,well... Its my eight birthday next year i guess?" Tommy said and sat down to phil when he was finished

,,yea your right" Phil smiled 

,lets hope this time we wont have to see you leave again..' Phil thought before he spoke again

,,Do you want to change something here? I mean you wanted it to be like this two years ago" Phil laughed nervous

,,I dont know.." Tommy said and phil stood up

,,thats alright mate , i'll go make dinner" Phil smiled and tommy nodded before Phil left the room

After a few minutes it knocked on Tommys door , Tommy was watching TV and sighed

,,come in!" He said and Techno walked inside

,,hey toms" he smiled and sat down next to tommy

,,techie!" Tommy smiled when he saw it was Techno , if he would have to chose favourites out of them he would choose Techno.

,,still the nickname i see?" techno smiled

,,of course" tommy giggled and techno ruffled his hair

,,i missed you kid" techno said and tommy looked to the floor

,,whats wrong tommy?" techno asked worried

,,im sorry about leaving you guys.." tommy said

,,its okay tommy , your just a kid and its okay to be afraid of things. We understand you were afraid of something worse happening other then yelling but believe me while we were trying to find you Wilbur started to get his ,anger issues'  under controll and i promise you we wont mess up again" Techno said and tommy leaned on him

,,want to go down and help dad make dinner? i did promis him i would help him today" techno asked and tommy stood up before he did too

,,sure" tommy smiled and they left his room and walked down in the kitchen to phil, when they came in the kitchen they saw wilbur was also there and sat at the table writing something , probably working on his new song. 

,,We're here to help with dinner!" tommy said and sat down on a chair

,,thats nice mate" phil laughed and gave them both something to do , while they did that tommy started talking with wilbur

,,what are you writing wil?" tommy asked

,,just working on another song" wilbur let the pen down on the table and smiled at tommy crossing his arms on the table

,,Oh okay!" tommy said

,,how about we watch a Movie like old times?" Phil asked with a smile

,,that sounds alright" Wilbur answered and Techno agreed

,,what Movie?" tommy asked

,,We could watch Moana?" Wilbur asked knowing it was one of tommys favourite movie when they first had him and Tommy smiled

,,yes!" Tommy said and everyone laughed 

After diner they watched Moana and Tommy was the one most excited about it of course , while watching the movie Tommy sat a bit away from them leaning on the couch half asleep. Tommy looked over to them and saw them all sitting togheter , Phil was on the couch while techno and wilbur sat on the floor with the popcorn , they asked tommy earlier if he wanted to sit by them but he didnt want to.

Tommy crawled over to Phil and cuddled on him , Phil looked to him with a smile and put a blanket over him ,tommy leaned his head on Phils side and started to fall asleep

Tommy had stayed with them for four months and had started school , tommy didnt really like school because of one of his teachers but with his friends it was always fun so you could say he did love it in some way. Phil was thinking aout adopting tommy even through they didnt see him for two years and he had been with them for only four Months but he didnt want to decide alone to ask tommy or not so he talked with the twins about it

,,Phil.. are you sure thats a good idea?" wilbur asked

,,wil.. i think dad is right , adopting tommy is a good idea and so he will finally be a real part of the family" Techno said and wilbur sighed before he smiled

,,fine.. lets just hope he says yes.. i mean it has been two years since we saw him.." WIlbur chuckled nervous

,,So when and where?" Techno asked Phil

,,if im being honest i already have the papers ,so.. how about when he comes home?" Phil asked

,,yea sure" They both smiled.

After school Tommy came back like he always did but this time he was annoyed

,,Hey tommy! how was school?" Phil asked from the livingroom and tommy walked in annoyed , he put his backpack on the floor and sat down to them

,,tommy? whats wrong?" Techno asked

,,just some stupid homework from the dumb teacher" tommy said and wilbur laughed

,,i will help you later" wilbur said and tommy smiled

,,thanks wil" Tommy said and Phil got a small carton out 

,,tommy... I have been thinking about this for a while now.. i talked with techno and wil about it and their both ok with it so we only need an yes from you.. I know we havent seen each other for two years but we really want you in our family" phil explained and gave it to tommy

Tommy took it confused and opened it slowly , when he opened it he saw a letter in it and there was ,Adoption Papers' written on it

,,w-wait.. for real?!" Tommy asked and they all nodded , tommy started crying and hugged Phil

,,yes!" Tommy said and phil hugged back

,,im so happy to hear this" techno said and they agreed. 

Tommy was now finally a real Watson and was more then happy , of course there were some fights but they always apologized after and never stopped being a family. They had many adventures togheter and always helped each other without a problem , if one of them needed help the others where there for them. 

I dont have anymore ideas so this is the end for this story! i know its dumb but whatever xD

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