Chapter 4:

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A/N:Hi guys just a heads up that there may be some kinky shit,probably not smut,but just so y'all know :) 

Thanks again for reading it means a lot! xx

Chapter 4:

'And here's the bathroom' I pointed,opening the creaky door as I gave Zayn a quick tour of the house. To be honest,I was nervous sleeping in the same house as Zayn.i mean,I hardly know him,yet I do feel close to him?

'You can have your shower first,while I go get your bed ready.' I said,reaching in the drawer for a towel.

'So do you want to call your mum an-dadaffbuu...' I stuttered turning around facing Zayn and his bare chest. His skin tone was perfect,and so were his abs.There were different shades and sizes of bruises all over his chest and arms.A small chuckle came from him as I tried to look somewhere else,trying not to be a perverted Perrie.

'Uhh um I'll just...ugh I'll go now.' I stuttered,cheeks bright red,as I headed out the door,before stopping at the sound of Zayn.

'Thank you, Perrie.' He smiled,as I gave him a nod and smiled back,closing the door and bolting to my room.

'Omgomgomgomg PERRIE WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!?' I yelled at myself,embarrassed of my actions. 

I had just finished setting up Zayns bed.It looked pretty good.i stood there,proudly with my hands on my hips.

'Why are you so Proud? It's just a blanket layed across the couch?' My mum raised an eye brow,slightly laughing.

I gave her a pouty face,only to receive a tongue poking out of her mouth.

I looked down the hallway as I heard footsteps coming from Zayn. 

The only thing he had covering his naked body was a towel.

'Um....I have no clothes.' He shyly stated,rubbing his hand behind his neck. 

'Oh I'm sure Perrie would have something for you to wear.your quite small.' Mum commented.

'Uhh yeah. Lets go see.' I shuffled to the room,searching through my draws,finding a slightly worn out pair of grey track suit pants, 'this alright?' I pulled the piece of clothing out,Zayn slightly nodded taking the pants from my grasp.

'You can get changed here,while I have my shower,Kay?' I offered,receiving a nod from the tired Zayn.i giggled as he yawned. 

I walked out of the bathroom,only to trip over my mums handbag.what the hell was that doing here in the middle of the floor? 

I groaned as I sat up,tip toeing to the lounge room,taking a look at Zayn.He looked so cute sleeping.i hope he'll be alright.

I leaned in and whispered a sweet 'Goodnight' as I kissed his forehead then walking into my room. 

It was about 2 am,and I couldn't sleep.i tossed and turned,threw my blanket off,then pulled it back on,groaning in frustration.I froze as I heard a soft knock on my door.

'Perrie.'i heard a soft whisper coming from the slightly open door.


'I-I can't sleep.'

I softly giggled, 'Me neither.'

'Umm...'he trailed off


'Can I sleep with you...?'

The nerves began to kick in,but Sleepy Zayn is really cute,and less intimidating. 

I watched as his shadow walked to the other side of bed,lifting up the blanket,crawling in.

Call me strange but,I honestly felt more comfortable with him near me.i felt safe.

I turned my head as I heard Zayn slightly shuffle closer.I shuffled in a bit,and that process continued until our bodies touched.The warmth he gave me a secure feeling,I felt protected.

'Goodnight.' Zayn whispered,turning to face me.I felt his cold breath against my shoulder,which made me shiver. 

Zayn must if noticed,as he wrapped an arm around my waist,pulling my closer,his head nuzzling into the crook if my neck. His breaths slightly louder than before.

'Goodnight Zayn.' I whispered playing with his hair,slowly drifting off to sleep.

My eyes fluttered open.It was still dark.i reached over and grabbed my phone,checking the time.3:30am,shit. 

I groaned rolling over,cuddling into Zayn as his arm was still wrapped around me.i still felt a little cold,so I wrapped my arm around him,pulling him even closer. I froze as I heard a small whimper come from his slightly parted lips.Did I touch one of his bruises? 

I looked at Zayn who was now biting his lip.i slowly began drifting off to sleep,when I heard a moan escape his lips.i pulled back slightly,only to be pulled back in by Zayns strong arms.

'Zayn.' I whispered.

'Perrie.' He moaned,causing my cheeks to heat up.

Was he dreaming about me? My eyes widened at the feeling of something pushed up against me. It was definitely not his leg.was it way.

I was too scared to lift up the blanket,so,I placed my hand under,slowly traveling down to find a slightly hard member.i quickly pulled back as another moan escaped Zayns lips.

OMG, is he gonna have a wet dream? I don't know what's going on.

Zayn dug his head into my neck,letting out a throaty groan. His hot breath sent goosebumps up my neck.

I felt his wet lips kiss my neck slightly,causing me to shiver.

'Perrie. Ngh!' He moaned,slightly turning me on. 

Before I even realised,my hand had travelled back down to his member.he let out a light gasp at my touch,then he slowly pushed into my hand,lightly thrusting. 

I bit my lip,watching Zayn dream about me.He'd gasp curse words every now and again.I felt his hands traveling to my back,pulling me closer,slightly rubbing it.

He bit down on my collarbone as I rubbed his member.his breaths becoming shakier.

I was soon in shock as Zayn rolled on top of me,In his sleep!? 

His arms felt me all over,as he laid sloppy kisses on my neck.

'Zayn!' I gasped,trying to push him off me.He was just too strong.

'Perrie.' He moaned,'I-I need you.'

I was confused with those words,not knowing whether he was just sleep talking,or it actually meant something.

Either way he was a horny bastard.

'Zayn,wake up.' I shook him,still trying to get him off me.

'Perrie.' He gasped.


'I love you.'

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