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Jamil and Dahlia were going together towards the library. Jamil is typically seen alongside Kalim by students, although this is no longer the case. He was enjoying himself because the new and first female student was not only strolling alongside him but also talking with him.

It was nice to have this kind of attention every now and again. That kind of attention, where someone greets you and compliments you before speaking to you as if they've known you for years. Jamil felt the same way, and he didn't mind because she wasn't irritating him. They only discussed basic hair care and school topics. He noted that she was fascinated by flying and concocting potions. He wondered if she'd be in the same class as him for those classes. He felt obliged to brag a little, which was rare for him.

"This is a sight to see,"

Dahlia turned around to see who had just spoken only to see no one. After that line, she started hearing more and more voices. Most weren't even about them. 'Is this......Abuela Dolores gift?' she thought, clutching the bag she was holding. She began to lose focus on the environment around her as she tries to prevent all of the voices she was hearing. Every creek, step, and drop was progressively putting her patience to the test, and it wasn't a good time.

'why now?'


Since she remained silent, Jamil placed a hand on her shoulder, snapping out of train thoughts. She turned her eyes to him before lightly shaking her head. "Wait, what were we talking about?" she questioned, not wanting to offend him.

Jamil sighed before looking at the building ahead of them. "I was asking if you have your schedule for class tomorrow," he mentioned making her nod. She pulled out a piece of paper Divus gave her.

"I do, though some classes I'm in are 2nd and 3rd years. That's weird," she mumbled before giving the paper to Jamil. The boy was surprised. She was a first-year, not only did she become a dorm leader on her first day but she was also put in upperclassmen classes and from the looks of it, she did have some classes with him.

"Is this the library?"

Looking next to him before looking at the building in front, it was indeed the school library. He regained his composure. "Ah, yes. It is, here," he gave her schedule back to the girl before they both walk in. "What books are you going to read?" he asked when they start to look around to look for books.

"Maybe some history and some basics for tomorrow," she answered him before grabbing some books. "I don't want to look like a total idiot tomorrow," she mumbled.

Jamil found respect for the girl. She was acting more like a responsible student than her familiar. He even doubts that the monster was hers. From what he heard from Kalim, the monster was the same one from the ceremony.

"And I need to find a way to this RSA school, my sister's there,"

Looking interested, Jamil asked who her sister was. "She's my younger twin. We basically look alike except she has blonde tips and always wears heels. She's basically the face of the family while I work behind the stage. I don't mind though," she explained to him before pulling out a locket and showing him a picture.

She was right, they do look the same and it was terrifying. There were no moles or anything on their face. He bet that people use to mistake them for each other. "I need to get a phone this week so, I can contact her and check if she settled there," she added before going back to the task at hand.

Before sitting next to her, Jamil gathered his fair share of books. Before he began to answer the questions, he took out his homework. The two fell into a comfortable silence. They didn't seem to mind in the least. Dahlia would question Jamil about the books she holds while assisting him with some things she is familiar with.

This is how a friendship between a snake and a crow came to be.

Dahlia finished up at the library and bid goodbye to Jamil. Most classes were already finished so, she need to get Grim out to do his punishment. It was something she doesn't like, physical work. When Dina use to volunteer every summer and drag her along. She always hides from work and from her sister, if possible she would take commissions so she'd avoid working.

But, this was different. She was just going to watch Grim and a first-year to wash windows. She was thinking of bringing some cans of tuna and some drinks for them. She should be nice to the first year. Casita let her in and showed Grim patiently waiting for her. "Finally! Your back!" he exclaimed jumping up to her arms and sitting on her shoulder.

"Well, I do need to watch you and the other first-years wash the windows and make sure none of you escape," she answered as she heads to the kitchen to pack some snacks for the two. She grabbed a bag before packing some cans of tuna and some bottled water. "This should be enough," she mumbled looking at the bag.

"Eh? Why are you packing some food? Are you giving away my tuna?!" Grim exclaimed in fear.

"No, I'm going to give you a can of tuna every time you washed 25 windows. The same goes for the other first year, except I'm going to give him some ensaymada," Dahlia answered him before he relaxed. He was lying if he said it didn't scare him when he thought she was going to get rid of his tuna.

"Let's go and finish that punishment," she told him before they went out of the Casita. The house bid goodbye by waving its window before the two were out of sight.


Dahlia placed down the bag and the foldable chair. She also took out the bucket filled with water and a sponge she snatched from the kitchen. "Here Grim, take it. The faster you get your quota, the faster we get home," she told him handing the sponge to him. "You should take the lower rows and leave the rest for the other guy," she mentioned before sitting down on the chair she has and taking out a book she has from the library.

Grim groaned before doing his task. He shouldn't complain since the girl was trying his best to enroll him as a student. She's just doing this so, he won't get a mark on his record, well soon-to-be. He just hopes nothing bad happened to her.

After waiting for a couple of hours, Grim was sitting next to Dahlia having his tuna. Dahlia was starting to get impatient. "ARGH!! That guy bailed on us!!" Grim exclaimed, though before he could say more. He could sense the suffocating aura around his human. Slowly, the vines that were around the place started to move at an eerie pace.

"I'm going to kill that tangerine bastard."

From how she leaks her unpurified magic in massive amounts. It truly disturbs the whole campus.


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