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Lisa's POV

"Keep a close eye on Jennie. Make sure she won't get any job offer from music industry." I said to the person who is spying on Jennie.

I don't want Jennie to come back in Jisoo's life. I will do everything to put hatred in her heart for Jennie. I have a bad habit of winning everything that I love. This is my first time falling hard for someone who I just met a few days ago.

I smiled while staring at Jisoo's pic. It's a stolen one. I took it while she was busy eating.

"Why I didn't found you before?" I sighed.

I dialled Jisoo's number. After a few rings she pick up.

"Hey Lisa." She answered groggily.

"What are you doing?"

"It's almost 2 in the morning. What will a normal person do at this time?" I laughed at her sarcasm.

"Eating mid night snack and watch some horror movies." She groaned in annoyance. I love to tease her.

"What the hell! Yah! Why did you call!? Let me sleep!"

"But I can't sleep. Sing me a lullaby." I said giggling at her cute angry voice. I can tell how much cute she is looking right now.

"I'm hanging up you dumbo! I'll break your bones if you disturb my sleep again." She said then cut the call.

I can't stop laughing at her. She is like a baby. How I wish I can hug her right now?


Jisoo's POV

I have loss of energy right now but I still need to check up almost 20 patients. All this because of that idiot Lisa. Why the fuck she needed to call me at 2 A.M.? After that I can't sleep properly.

"Why do you look so pissed off?" Dr. Ahn asked, sitting on my desk.

"Don't ask." I said rubbing my temples.

"Let me guess, Lisa disturbed your sleep. Right?" She asked giggling.

I glared at her. "I don't understand why she needs to call me at 2 A.M in the morning. She wants me to sing lullaby for her because she can't sleep."

She laughed out loudly, "she is funny. I think she loves to tease you since you look too cute. She is totally into you."

"I'll beat you up if you don't stop it!" I throw a file a her but dodge it and run away from my room laughing.

I heard my phone ring. I thought its Lisa again but it's my mom. I received the call.

"Hello mom. You are back from Paris?" I asked. They were in Paris for 3 weeks.

"Yes sweetie. If you don't have much work today, let's have dinner and bring Jennie also. Your father wants to talk to her." She said.

I gulped in fear. They will be really angry if I tell them she left.

"Um mom I don't think she can come. She have a lot of work to do." I tried to avoid it.

"Nonsense. I'll call her to come. Your father is in a good mood. She finally accepted her. We talked a lot about you and her, in the whole trip." She said happily.

I bite my lip from stop crying. Why did this went wrong? Why the hell she left me?

"No need mom. I'll tell her to come. I'll go now. I have a lot of work to do."

"Okay. Take care." She hung up the call.

I want to scream out my pain and frustration. I stared at our picture in my phone. Now I only feel pain whenever I see her picture. Before she treat me badly, pushed me away, don't think about me and keep on being wild and wasted every night, everytime she threatened to leave me but I hold onto her, beg to her. All of those memories making me realise that I'm the only one tried so much to make our relationship work. She only cared about her career, maybe she never loved me.


In the evening

I drive to my parent's house. I'll tell them the truth. There's no use of hiding it anymore. What my parents said was true that she will leave me one day without telling the reason.

I took a few breathes to calm myself then ring the doorbell. Mom opened the door and smiled brightly.

"Ohh I miss my baby so much." She hugged me. I smiled hugging her back.

"I miss you too mom."

"Where is Jennie? She didn't came?" She asked.

"Um I'll tell you later. I'm really hungry. Can we eat first?" I pouted making her laugh.

"Sure baby. Your father is in the living room. But I'm really disappointed in Jennie." She sighed before going in the kitchen.

I go in the living room. Dad is watching news.

"Hey dad. How are you?" I asked sitting on the couch.

"Ohh hey Jisoo. I'm fine. Why are you looking tired and skinny? Are you not eating well? Where is Jennie though?" He asked looking concerned.

I really want to avoid this kind of situation but there's no use of it.

"I'll tell you later. First tell me how's your Paris trip?" I asked him.

He isn't convinced but answered anyway. "It's good. Your mom was really happy."

"Dinner is ready!" We heard mom yelled from the kitchen.

We start to eat while talking about random things. I know the time will come when I need to tell them the truth.

"You said you'll tell us something." Mom asked.

"Yes. Why didn't Jennie come? I was thinking about talking about your engagement to her. She really loves to disrespect me a lot." Dad said coldly.

I look down, "I have something to tell you."

"What is it? Are you okay?" Mom asked.

I took a deep breath, "she left mom."

"What? What do you mean--" I didn't let my father finish his sentence.

"She left me without giving a proper reason! I don't know where she is right now! 1 month ago it happened." I said clenched my fists in anger.

"What!? She.. she did it!? I KNEW IT. I TOLD YOU SHE IS A SELFISH WOMAN. WHAT WILL YOU DO NOW!?" Dad shouted in anger.

"I don't know what to say. Just because of your happiness I convinced your father to talk to her. I thought she changed." Mom look at me with disappointment.

"Don't try to give excuses Jisoo. I'm more disappointed in your than her. You are always a mature girl. How can you be so stupid!? She must have had a rich partner now. A fucking gold digger."

I silently listened to their every insult. I have no strength to protest. They are right. I'm the biggest fool to trust in her. Why did you do it Jennie? You know how much I love you. Or you found someone else?


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