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3 years later

Jennie's POV

I'm stuck in the traffic for 20 minutes now. Today is a very special day. I can't be late. I look over at the back seat. The flower bouquet and cake is unharmed. My eyes fall on the rare view mirror. The scar on my neck is little bit visible. I touched it, the horrifying memories from 3 years ago come back.

I can't help but to thank that old lady again and again. She is the one who saved us.


I panicked as the nurse informed someone took Jisoo. Others were confused but I knew who was it. I run out of the hospital and searched. I didn't know where to go. I felt extremely frustrated.

"Are you lost?" I felt a tap on my shoulder and heard a shaky voice.

I turn around and found an old woman. She is short, hunchbacked. Her hairs and skin is white like snow. Her eyes are twinkling like the stars at summer night.

"You haven't lost anything yet." She said smiling.

"What do you mean? Do you know what happened?" I asked curiously.

"I know everything. Nothing can be hidden from my sight." She laughed.

Is she mad or something? Whatever I need to find Jisoo fast. I was about to leave when she stopped me.

"The moon stone. You need to destroy it." The sentence made me shock.

I turned to her, "how did you know?"

Her eyes twinkled mischievously. As she smiled, "Told you already, that I know everything. You'll find her in the forest, in a cave."

I stared at her, as she took out a silver knife. It's medium sized but sharp. She handed it to me.

"Use it at the right time. A single wrong step can kill you all." She said.

"I uh don't understand. Who are you? How did you know all of this?" I asked. I'm really confused. Is she related to all of this?

"The stone is elegant yet dangerous. The beginning and end are laying in it." She said in monotonous voice.

I was about to ask her when I heard a commotion from a far. I turn around to check. Two boys start to fight because of something. I ignored it. When I turn to face the old lady, she was gone. I looked around but couldn't found. It's like she vanished.

I remember her words. I can assume where Lisa can take Jisoo. I run to my car. Another shock comes when I found a bag in the back seat. An old rifle with one pack of silver bullets come out of it. Wherever it comes from, it'll help me a lot, cause werewolves are weak to silver. Maybe it was the old lady's doing as well.


I already made the plan when Lisa found us close to the waterfall. According to my calculations it was midnight that time. It was the perfect time to end everything. As soon as Lisa choked me I took the chance and stabbed the knife in her heart.

Craze (Jensoo Ft. Lisa)Where stories live. Discover now