Countryhumans at baldi basics 😳😳

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This is the time in Highschool. Not work or should I say Arbeit 😌
Also, in this one shot Germany's dad is empire not Turd reich, Turd reich is his uncle that nobody likes

TW: some swearings because why not

The twins (Kia and Chia) were break dancing on the table, America and Russia were having an HUGE argument over who was better, the other set of twins, Austria and Hungary were arguing who was the Favourite child while Poland and Germany were witnessing the disaster in front of them.
'Niemcy? What the heck.'
'Tel me about it' the German rolled his eyes, he turned back to his 104929492949 worksheets that he asked for from his teacher.

'Maybe we should break them up...' Poland mumbled to Germany who nodded in agreement.
'You stop whatever the hell the twins are doing and I'll stop my annoying brothers.' Germany said to Poland. Germany was the Favourite child from Austria-Hungary and German Empire (GE), probably because he was smarter or never got detention.

'EEEEEEEEEEEEE' CZ screams on the top of his lungs in the school table as Poland pulls him down.
'Chia please shut up! We are in school, you too Kia no more break dancing' Poland said trying to pull off Kia off the school table as well.
'NOOOOOOOO I WAS GOING TO WIN THE DANCE BATTLE' Kia cried sarcastic tears while CZ was having a mini tantrum on the floor.

'Niemcy? How you doing with your brothers?' Poland checking in to see Germany being punched by the twins.

'Perfekt! They aren't a fighting with each other anymore! SHEIßE ÖSTERREICH NEIN URGARN!!!!' Germany replied before raising his voice at the end. Poland sighed, poor Germany. He stepped in between the three brothers and put Austria on timeout and Hungary also on timeout in the other room.

'Are you okay? Poor you' Poland said as he saw Germany's broken glasses with a small nosebleed.

'I'm not poor, Polen. Ich habe ein Hause.' He replied.

'Seriously? Anyways let's fix the Russia and America problem.' Germany pointed out to see that they started to get violent.

Chia was meantime sneaking to America's bag to take out a book of spells, but he didn't know it was the book of spells since America's handwriting was garbage.

Poland and Germany meantime went over to separate the two powerful nations.
'HEY I WAS ABOUT TO PUNCH THIS SMALL LOSER LET GO GERMS!' Russia yelled at Germany, Germany denied his "request" and pulled him over to the side to calm him down.

Poland pulled America to the other with the Hungarian while Russia seemed to be trash talking about America with Austria will Austria was complaining how annoying Hungary was. Kia seemed to be chasing Chia now.
'SHUT UP KIA AND LET ME READ IT: Ugh... country names? Okay, CZ, Kia, Ame, Germany, Austria, Hungary and Russia and lastly Poland. okay... uhhhh.... Teleport to -rigkekfodkvoskckdkfk' Chia closed the book.
'See? Nothing happened!' That's what he said before everything went black for all the countries he listed above.
Germany woke up in a weird classroom, he could tell it wasn't his school because the floors weren't made of carpet but some hard cold floor. He glanced next to him to see Poland and his brothers but the others seem somewhere else.
'WELCOME TO BALDI'S BASICS.' A voice said in front of him, he leaped up in surprise.
'Who the hell are you?' Germany asked while Poland was starting to wake up from the aggressive accent from the German.
'CHIA I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU. HÖRST DU MICH? DU BIST TOT!' Germany screamed on the top of his lungs, he looked behind himself and saw Poland waking up.
'Poland? Do you know where we are?' He asked before helping Poland up.

'I know this place, we are in a game called baldi's basics and we need to collect all the notebooks to escape. ........' Poland explained as Germany's face turned more judgemental every second.
'You guys are weird for playing this game, you never got the third book right?'
'ITS IMPOSSIBLE.' Poland said before grabbing Germany's hand and heading to the first room.
'Hey! What about Austria and Hungary?!'
'They'll be fine, for now we need to worry about ourselves and since you're a nerd you'll answer the math for us.' Poland sighed as he pushed Germany in the first room.
Germany dropped to the floor as Poland shut the door quickly.
'Sorry im tryna avoid the bully!' Poland whisper shouted before taking the book.
'Quick! 9+10!' Poland said, Germany instantly replied and he typed down the answer.
'Wait... you don't know 9+10?'
'I thought it was 21...' he mumbled. Germany started laughing aggressively and loudly that attracted the others.

'Hey Germany and.. Poland... anyways it's me Chia and Kia and we are alive!' CZ said proudly before looking at the book. 'We already got the first and second, can you solve the third one for us Ger?'

'Sure, bring me there.' Germany scoffed, 'How hard could it be? Is it 1+1?' Poland punched Germany's shoulder lightly before dragging him again, not letting him walk. Slovakia handed Germany the book before shutting the door and blocking it with all the chairs in the classroom while Chia started to drink the beer he snuck in his pockets.

'No beer Czechy or else I'll personally confiscate it.' Poland mildly threatened before looking at Germany who rubbed his eyes.
'These are only letters... no equations..' Germany whined before his eyes did a little spark and he started to aggressively write on the book. Everybody closed their eyes before hearing a loud sound.
'CORRECT!' Baldi said before going back to His spot

'HOW?!' Every screamed.
'Well... it was a code not an equation. It was three.' Germany said as if it was like 1+1. They all left, Chia having to carry all the books and carry Kia on his back. I guess revenge is sweet for the poor Czech country. Poland and Germany seemed to have an long conversation while looking for the next room.

'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WTH IS THAT AAAAAA' that sounded like America, everybody rushed over to see America swearing while having the book.

'Amerika? Bist du okay?' Germany asked, concerned for the American.

'America the answer is 1, 1 times 1 is 1 not two.' Germany face palmed, did they have the IQ of an first grader? Did their memory snap into it? He swore they had better math skills in the old campus.
America accidentally misclicked and pressed the wrong answer, triggering the ugly bald guys. The sound of a stick wracking made Germany flinch and hug the nearest person, which unfortunately was Poland.
'AH!' Poland shrieked, 'Oh its just you Germany. I thought it was the angry stick obsessed man aka baldi.' They continues to search, the twins guarded the front, America guarded the back and the polish was talking with the German, they seemed to have the brains in this game.

Meanwhile at the other twins
Hungary woke up to the ruler smacking sounds and his brother Germany shrieking and Poland followed.
'A-Austria?' Hungary asked, who was next to him. 'Shit we are in baldi's basics.. that means someone got the third book wrong...' He picked up his twin and rushed to a room, hoping that the group find them.

'I cant die yet. Not when Austria is here.' He help on to his brother placing him down on the floor and using a broom to lock the closet till Germany comes. He whipped out his phone, it had no signal except for everyone that was in the baldi's basics campus, and.. TAIWAN?? I thought she died? He called her immediatly and she answered almost instantly.

'Taiwan? Is that you? Where are you? I thought you died?'
'Hungary? How did you get signal? I'm in some campus, it told me to collect books and I have ten of them already and it seems endless.'
'You are in a game, avoid the bald man. He is angry, other people are here too.'
'Where are you Hungary?' A scream followed as she ducked down under the table.
'I'm hiding in a janitor room with- TAIWAN ARE YOU OKAY?'
'Yes Hungary I'm ok, I think I see some red yellow black flag with Chia, is that them?
'Yes. Get them and let them know my location.'
Taiwan quickly took note of it and ended the call. She took a long ruler, almost the same as the bald guys and placed the books in her bag before going after the group.

'CHIA! AME! WAIT!' Taiwan yelled as she tripped again on her laces, the group seemed to turn back and rush to her.

'Taiwan? I thought you died.'

'No, I've been just stuck here. I have ten books. We need to get Hungary...' she went on and on while Chia dropped Kia. He passed Taiwan the four books they got, one stolen since it was marked wrong.

'We need one more, thanks Taiwan.'

'Can someone carry the books? I have scoliosis.' Taiwan commented. Ame took the books from Taiwan and she finally had less weight on her fragile spine.

Part two of baldi basics is tomorrow :) it's 11pm and I need my rest since I have many exams tomorrow. TYSM FOR 12 READS LIKE HOW??

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