The day GE died

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I needed some "wholesome" stuff so here ya go!
Of course it ain't gonna end wholesome since, but you can request it to!
This is also very short for the sake of my sleep schedule, partially because I'm running out of creativity at this time ;-;
I will regenerate my cursed creativity >:(

Germany giggled as he was being carried by his father, GE. Even though he start WW1, he was a good father. He mentioned in all meetings that Germany had nothing to do with this war and doesn't support him for the war, he also told even his enemies to not tell Germany to not infect his mind with bad stuff and WW2... unlike SOMEBODY!

His enemies admired his parenting skills... he even delayed the war for Christmas to thank the enemies for understanding *based on history the Christmas truce, Christmas truce real, my reason here is just the oneshot*

'Do you think I can fly?' Germany asked as he flapped his wings lightly. GE sprouted his wings and said;
'Yes Germany, yes you can. You just got to believe.' GE said as he patted Germany's wings lightly. He brought Germany up to the sky and his eyes widened from the view... and fear of falling..
'What if I fall and die?'
'That's impossible Germany, I will catch you.' GE assured, he let go of Germany gently and he sprouted his twins, the wind made Germany's wings twitch but GE just encouraged him that he could do it. After a while, he finally got to glide and fly and he was happy and hugged and his father with tears,
'ICH KANN FLIEGEN!!' He squeaked happily in the sky.

'Ugh..' TR said while lighting up his cigarette, 'What does my stupid brother GE have that I don't? He has twins, enemies that actually are nice to him and great power. Why cant I have all those things??!!' He smashed the cigarette on the ground angrily before taking another one...

Back to the wholesome son and dad!!

'East!' West hugged East and East hugged back before turning to her project.
'Hey dad! Hey West! What's up you guys seem happy?'
'Well my little guy West here learnt how to fly!'
'Awww congrats my sweet twin!' East said as she hugged her twin. East already know how to fly a long time ago when she was bullied for not being able to fly, so GE being the good father had a talk with the bullies and taught her how to fly.

East went into her backpack and pulled out a math test with a A+ and GE immediatly congratulated the two twins.
'Oh we need to tell your mother this!' GE said to his twins pulling them into a long hug.

Germany called his uncle and AH with GE and East, AH was on a meeting with others and TR was also somewhere else.
'Hallo Mama und Onkel! Ich kann fliegen! (Hi mum and uncle! I can fly!)' West said happily to the callers, AH was so proud and TR was also proud that he could fly <somehow

They had a long call and the three went out for ice cream, went to the playground and more. Even thought GE wasn't the best person, he didn't keep Poland in a basement but let him have freedom time for 12 hours a day to be healthy, Poland even played with Germany and didn't mind much since he was younger but boi was Poland wrong about it being "okay".

GE finished some meetings, brought the twins to school, picked them up and made dinner together with AH trying a new family recipe, they invited TR of course.

-where things turn no more "wholesome"-

TR entered the house to be greeted by the twins, their eyes shine so bright seeing their uncle and hugged TR a lot. Anyone could fall for these little cute twins, even someone as twisted as TR.

When AH joined the table, placing the dishes on the table, GE sat down as the twins volunteered to clean up the kitchen before joining.

'So TR, how are you doing these days?' AH asked TR with a warm smile, he wanted to say how he was boiling in jealousy from GE but instead forced a smile and said;
'I am doing great! How are you guys going?' He wanted to kill GE right then and there, that was going to happen today. They ate as they had a long fun conversations and half of the time the table was filled with happy giggles from the young twins.

When GE dropped the TV remote by accident, TR saw this as an opportunity and stabbed GE. The twins gasped in horror and stood there paralyzed while AH was on the verge of fainting.
'TR WHAT ON EARTH DID YOU DO?' AH yelled and smacked TR before running to GE who was already dead from blood loss. The twins started to cry and hug each other while TR only smiled,

'Hey kids.. pack up okay? We are going somewhere else.'

'TR DONT TELL THEM WHAT TO DO! THEY ARE MY CHILDREN! MY TWINS!' AH screamed before rushing off to the twins but TR only took AH hostage infront of the twins, scaring them further.

'Let's make a deal, you guys become my sons, I will spare your stupid mother.' He said sternly, voice cold as ice. The twins hugged AH as hard as they could and cried onto her shoulder.

'We have to mama, we love you.' The twins said before TR dropped the knife and dragged the kids along with him by the WING.
'ONKLE STOP IT HURTS' West whined but he punched West.

'ITS VATER, DAD OR FATHER! YOU HEAR ME??' He yelled at his "son". West cried and wanted to run away but TR only picked him up and went away.
'AH, bring Poland to my house.' He commanded before leaving off to his house.

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