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"Omi... no. You're not breaking any promises. All you have to do is stay with me. Ok? You can do that- you've always done that." You gave a pathetic smile, tears streaming endlessly while you tightly held onto your injured twin's hand.

He gave a weak smile in response. "I'm about to...."

"No! You're not! Stop saying that! Don't even think of it! I promise you're going to be alright! We- we're both gonna get home perfectly fine... you and I, we're gonna live together forever. Right?" Your voice was breaking, steadily getting weaker.

Kiyoomi simply stared at your face, eyes filled with love and admiration. "Y/n.... Nothing's made me happier than being by your side our whole lives. I loved being able to stand by you, watching you grow up into the perfect person you are today. I wanted to be selfish and keep you with me forever." He gave a bitter chuckle. "Guess that was never gonna happen...."

"No! Be selfish! I'll do anything! I'll find a way to save you- I'll get out of the Jujutsu world, ok? We're not being separated! Not ever!"

He lightly squeezed your hands. "You're still a whiny, clingy baby Y/n. It's ok to move on and spend time with others. You don't need me anymore."

"NO! I do need you, Omi! I can't live without you! You're my twin, my other half, my only family- my comfort, the only person that keeps me calm and sane! You're the only one that can help me keep my emotions in check! Never say that I don't need you! I'll always need you! I always want you! So no more with saying these terrible things... no more...."

Kiyoomi's heart ached, seeing you in this state. "Y/n...."

"No. I don't wanna hear it. I don't want any more of those sad words. Tell me something good for once."

"I love you.... I really do love you, Y/n- so much more than you could've ever known. I really couldn't have lived without you, my precious baby twin sister...."

"Fuck...." Tears streamed even more in a constant flow. "You mean live, right? Don't use past tense. Only present tense, ok? You're not dead. You're not going to die. I won't let you."

Ah yes, denial again. You seem to really like that, don't ya? Do you live in a fantasy world you created with your imagination or something? Or is this just a really complicatedly written plot to some online fanfiction? The world may never know....

Ok, that's enough with the 4th wall demolition. Back to your regularly scheduled angst! Just what Author-chan provides! 😁
Man... I really might be evil....

Kiyoomi let out a small breath. "I was talking about through our lives. You kept me going- my reason for living. Y/n I don't think I'd have been able to do anything without you by my side. We belong together.... Yet it seems like the world- everything and everyone in it- wants to tear us apart. I hate it."

"I hate it too, Omi. I'm not leaving you, ok? I won't go back with the sorcerers, ok? I'm going back with you and everything will go back to normal- it'll just be the two of us for all of eternity. Like we promised." You gave a desperate smile, searching his face for anything- literally anything.

He gave a pure smile. "What about Inumaki? Don't you love him? Stay with him, go ahead and leave me. I'm already as good as dead, anyways."

"No.... Please no more, Omi. I can't take it. I can stop loving Toge- I'll only love you! I'll live for you and you alone. So you can't... you can't leave me, not like this. Please, Omi. No more of this."

Kiyoomi stared at the sky, no longer looking at you or making eye contact. "You can't fall out of love, Y/n. I see the way you look at Inumaki- the way your eyes light up when you see him, talk to him, or even talk about him. You're always at your happiest whenever he's involved. He's your soulmate. You should be with him."


"You and I are simply twins. We've usee that as an excuse to stay away from others our whole lives- far too long. Go be with your soulmate."

"NO! I don't want to hear this anymore! There's no 'simply' when it comes to our bond as twins! And being twins was never an excuse! Others have always been mean to us- they didn't give a fuck. That's why... that's why it's always been just the two of us."

Kiyoomi focused his eyes on you again. "Y/n-"


He rubbed his thumbs along the back of your hands. "Let me speak, please. Within the past year, we met quite a few nice people- they became our closest and only friends. They earned our trust and never judged us, they accepted us and created bonds with us. Even if we have to be separated, there are always others that will be there for both of us."

"No! It's supposed to be you and I only! Twins forever! What happened to that promise you made?!"

He sighed, a sad expression covering his face. "Things happen, Y/n. You know that. Geez... you're so stubborn. You never change. Why do you always have to be so stubborn Y/n?"

"I don't want to let you go! I need you Omi! What if I lose control and you're not there?! People only get hurt! Everything around me only gets destroyed! You're the only one that can keep all of that from happening! So... please don't leave me.... I'm begging you Omi...."

"I know. I never want to leave you. I hate being away from you. I don't like it when we're apart from each other."

"No more.... I don't want this to happen."

"Neither do I. But... some things are just inevitable."


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