A boy named carl

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It's been I don't know 2 years? I don't remember I think I'm 15 I lost track after a few months, it was always the same hunt for food get water kill walkers, come back kill more walkers

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It's been I don't know 2 years? I don't remember I think I'm 15 I lost track after a few months, it was always the same hunt for food get water kill walkers, come back kill more walkers. It was always the same, but honestly the killing walkers is my favorite part I use to believe killing was a sort of sin or terrible thing but now it's the only way to stay alive, doesn't bother me...it's fun.

Aurora wrote in her small diary her parents gave her on her 10th birthday, always writing the most important things in her small gray diary with flowers around the spine of the book with a small lock, the key was always on her necklace around her neck always taking it with her everywhere she went, now a days it's her only way of staying sane and not go absolutely berserk.

Just as she was about to go hunt for food she heard a loud bang in the distance she ran to the kitchen to get her bat but as she grabbed it the door was broken into.. she hid by a wall hearing what sounded like a young boy around her age and a grown man.

Suddenly the small boy was banging on the wall "hey asshole!, hey shit face! hey-" he yelled
"Watch your mouth!" said the older man honestly in that moment Aurora was trying not to laugh they sounded like little kids arguing.
"Are you kidding me?, if there was one of them down there, they would of come out." Said the young boy sounding more frustrated then angry at that moment I thought it was better to get out before they realize I'm here she thought

"There are no walkers in here I made sure of it " said the young girl walking out of the kitchen. Just then the young boy pointed his gun at her and the older man with an axe pointing at her. "Shouldn't I be pointing a gun at you both your in my home" this was a stupid idea she thought to herself. "Who are you" said the older man. "Names Aurora now who are you and why are you in here" she gripped her bat scared they might attack "I'm Rick and this is my son Carl, we are just looking for a place to stay since our home was invaded" She felt bad but how can She trust anyone anymore.

"How many walkers have you killed, or people, how old are you ? How did you get here? The man was speaking so fast She couldn't even answer. "First of all calm down and who counts how many people or walkers they killed? But if I had to choose about 20? And zero humans. I lived here and have stayed here since this all happened. And yes I'm alone my parents are dead" Carl still pointed his gun at her not talking just keeping an eye on her. "Before...or-" "both" I cut off knowing he meant my parents "I'm sorry for your loss I-" I don't want any pity there gone that's all to it I'll let you stay but pull any funny business and I won't hesitate to beat you both to a pulp" I felt pity for them the father could barley stand and the boy just seemed calm yet paranoid, plus I just needed company it's been so long since I have had anyone to talk too.

"So..you haven't killed any people..like people people" said Carl still being on edge. "No. I have only seen walkers around here a few people but they never got close" I pointed at the chair asking if he wanted to sit but denied the father sat on the couch I could tell he would be knocked out soon. "What about you.." somehow I already knew the answer
"A few.." This is so awkward I thought "how old are you, you look like your my age"
"14 so a year younger" finally I thought someone my age, it's been a while since I saw another kid around here. "Are you hungry?" He looked at his dad and nodded "I have some stuff in the cabinet if you want something" he nodded as he followed me into the kitchen, looking through the cabinets only having a huge can of pudding left "is this ok" she asked embarrassed as the can was bigger then her torso. "Yea, for now it's good" I could tell he was being very cautious of me but knowing it's the only way for his father to rest he just accepted it,

By the time Carl and Aurora got to the living room Rick had already been knocked out on the couch slightly snoring, "I guess you can eat it by yourself" he looked annoyed as I talked he just sat down and started eating, he was so hungry..it was sad seeing him like that. "So..." she said awkwardly he looked at her with a confused look on his face. "Have you seen any other kids? Your the first for me" he ate one more spoon of pudding and looked up at her with a sad look "yea. My friend Sophia was about our age but she...turned" I nodded slightly "Beth is kinda our age she's about 17 I believe, she's nice" she looked at him with a kind look, an innocent stare "You don't have to be on edge you know, even if I could fight I wouldn't be able to kill a person." Carl put the Can to the side and looked at her "I only enjoy killing walkers, makes me feel like I'm taking revenge for Turing my mom." At that moment Carl looked more at ease as he related to what Aurora was saying. Calmly he got up and stuck out his hand "wanna go kill some walkers there are two banging on your door" Aurora smiled softly grabbing the boys hand as he helped her up. "I would love too"

The boy grabbed his gun and the girl grabbed her bat Walking out the front door were two walkers kept banging on the wall now. "You can take the one on the left" Carl said as he shut the door behind them, the girl just nodded she was different out here then in there, seeing all these walkers brought so much rage in here,they did take the only thing she had left..her mother.

Carl and Aurora separated the walkers to opposite sides Carl was pointing his gun at the walkers leg and began to shoot,but Aurora...she tackled the walker on the ground and got on top of it, smashing her bat on its head...1...2..3..4 times over and over and over, it didn't look like a head anymore it was just brains smushed all over the place. Just as she was about to strike it again a hand rested on her shoulder "I think it's dead.." she turned around to see Carl sticking his hand out again to help the girl up. "I'm sorry...I just.." she was fighting tears she felt weak..stupid for getting emotional. Carl just nodded and gave her a hug and went inside holding her hand.

Rick was still was laying on the couch but he looked like he wasn't breathing, carl went up to him and started apologizing and crying until Rick woke up...he groaned I froze. I didn't know what to do as carl struggled to shot Rick as we thought he was a walker "carl..." he said in shock i ran to carl helping him up as we backed away a bit, "carl." Said Rick, we signed in relief, I couldn't help but hug him. Carl was sobbing on my shoulder as I patted his back he later thanked me and hugged his father.. I miss this...she thought as she looked at the two hugging and the boy crying.

I don't think I have felt this happy in a long time.

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