Thing You Love Most About Him

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Seth Rollins- You love his determination. No matter what is wrong with him, bruises back, broken ribs, concussion, spinal problems, he'll always find a way to do what his mind is set to do

Dean Ambrose- Careless. You love how your lunatic fringe is careless to everything and everyone around. That might seem like a bad thing, but to you, it's wonderful because it shows how much he doesn't care what people think and how he doesn't let it get into his head

Roman Reigns- You love his hair. His long, silky, smooth hair that makes him look like a Greek god. You love running your fingers through his when you guys are laying around cuddling or when you are just randomly talking. 

Randy Orton- His tattoos. You love how each tattoo has different meaning for it. Your favorite tattoo of his though is the one with daughters, Alanna, name on it. How in all the darkness of the tattoos he got, the rose surrounding his daughters name brings light to it. 

Brock Lesnar- You love his protectiveness. Some make think it's controlling or overpowering, but it's not. He wants to protect you at all cost because he knows how the world is. How anything can happen. So when he stands in front of you if you shirt is too revealing or behind you because you butts out, you love it because you know it's out of love

Triple H- His whole upper body. His biceps, the way they make his veins look and the way they pop out. His pecks, the way they are able to bounce up and down effortlessly. His abs, they way they look when he's in the ring with baby oil on him. His whole body, just looking at it, is heaven on earth

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