He Finds Out Your Pregnant

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Seth Rollins- "Well, what does it say" "I don't know" You continue looking at the pregnancy test on the counter. "Babe, the timer stopped over 5 minutes ago. We have to look" You glance over at the timer, then look at him. "I know, but I'm scared. What if it's positive? That means I've been working since I've got pregnant. Or what if it's negative? Then I'll be sad for thinking their could be a child in me. Or what if-" Seth shook his head rapidly, cutting her off. "Don't think like that ok." He gets up and grabs the test. "Lets flip it over on three" You nod. "One" "Two" "Three" you flip the test over and gasp. "OMG, I'm gonna be a dad!"

Dean Ambrose- Your walking backstage, trying to find your partner of 2 years. You turn the corner and find Dean. Along with Seth and Becky. "Dean" He looks up at you. "We need to talk. Now!" "Can it wait? I'm talking to Becky and Se-" You cut him off. "No, Jon, it can't wait." He grew stiff with the use of his real name. He nods at the couple and walks with you down the hallway. You both go into his locker room. "Here" "What is it?" He says while he holds the stick in his hand. "Wait-" He looks at you. You look down. "I know were planning to wait. I'm sorry. If you want-" You get cut off by a kiss. "Don't. Don't even finish that sentence" He pulls you into him. "I know we were gonna wait, but that doesn't mean I'm not happy about his" You look up at him. Tears brim your eyes. "I love you" "I love you more"

Roman Reigns- "OMG" You say as you look down at the test. "Shit" You run your hand through your hair. A knock comes from the door. "y/n, are you ok? You've been in there for a while" You didn't respond and continued getting lost in thought. "Ok, I'm coming in" He walks in and sees you sitting on the edge of the bathtub. "Babygirl, what-" He sees whats in your hand. "y/n, look at me" You slowly lift your head. "I love you and the little ball of fire that's growing inside you. Don't ever think otherwise. Ok?" You nod and hug him like it would be your last

Randy Orton- "You sure you'll be ok?" "Yes, now go, and say hi to Alanna for me" He nods and gives you a kiss. "I'll be back in 2-3 hours ok." "Yes now go!" He chuckled and walked out the door. As soon as the door shut, you rush into the bathroom and take the test. Once done, you go back into the bedroom and wait for the timer to go off. It goes off and you pick up the test. "Hey, I forgot my-" He pauses as he sees you with the test in your hand. "Randy! W-What are you doing back so early?" "I forgot my wallet. Is that what I think it is?" You sign. "Why didn't you tell me?" "I didn't want you to be mad and leave me. You already have Alanna so-" He holds his hand up to stop you. "Just because I have Alanna, doesn't mean I don't want another one!" He says with a smile

Brock Lesnar- You and Brock already decided that you weren't gonna have anymore kids. Between the 2 from your previous relationship, the 2 from his, and the one you have together, a family of 7 was more than enough. So seeing the positive test, you knew you were about to encounter the beast. "Hey, I have to tell you something" "Ok, what is it?" You hand him the test. "I'm pregnant" He looks at you in shock. Then, he starts shaking his head. "What! No! You said you were on the pill!" "I was! I am! But, you and your morning wood couldn't wait for me to take it!" You yell. You take a deep breath before talking again. "What are you saying because to me, it sounds like you don't want it." He shakes it head. "That's not what I'm saying and you know it, but I just never thought I would see a positive one of these again." He signs. You go and sit next to him. "We'll figure out, ok? We always do" You smile at him. He smiles back and you cuddle up against him

Triple H- "It's not freaking mine y/n!" "Then who else is its Hunter?" You yell back. You just told your partner of 3 years, Triple H, that you were expecting, and lets say, he didn't take it well. "I told you I didn't want any kids!" He shakes his head while pacing. "It takes two to make a freaking baby Hunter. Not my fault you can't control little H" He stops and glares at you. "So what are you gonna do?" You just look at him. "What do you mean 'what are you gonna do?' I'm keeping and raising this child. Whether you like it or not." "I'm not implying anything, but you know how busy I am. I don't have the time-" You cut him off. "Well you better make freaking time because you don't have to be in this child's life." You take a breath to hold back tears. "I thought you would be somewhat happy." "I am. I'm sorry, but I just don't want to miss anything, but I'll figure it out. Ok" You nod and hug him

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