Where Have You Been - R.R. (Pt. 2)

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Sorry for the long awaited update, but here it is. I'm gonna try and update more


Hilton Hotel - Miami, FL

9:34 a.m


Y/n's pov:

I'm taking a break from you...

I'm taking a break from you...

I'm taking a break from yo-

I jolted awake, drenched in sweat from that horrific nightmare. I look around the cold, vacant hotel room and realize, it wasn't a nightmare, but reality. It also doesn't help that my head feels like it went threw a thousand brick walls

Replays of last night come in my head; cuddling, laughing, arguing, screaming, tears. Walking.

I couldn't even wrap my head around it. One minute we're cuddling in bed, laughing about everything under the sun, the next, we're going ham on each other and I walk out the door.

I shake my head as I walk to the bathroom in search of anything to make this migraine go away. As I walk to the bathroom, I take a look in the mirror and flinch at my own reflection. My makeup is everywhere but my face; dried mascara on my cheeks and foundation on my shirt. My under-eye bags look darker than my hair, and lets not mention how much of a mess that is. I had to look away before I got sick. I found some Advil and took two

I walk back in the room and grab my phone off the nightstand:

23 missed calls from Mama

16 missed calls and 7 text messages from Trinity

5 missed calls from Jon F.

3 text messages from Josh

63 missed calls and 40 text messages from My Chief <3

I sigh and look around the messy room. I put my phone on charge and start to gather up all my belongings. Once I finished, I take one more final glance around before getting my phone and duffel bag and walk out the hotel

I'm relived I was able to find my car quick. I put my stuff in the backseat, and set myself on the road back home

As I was driving, I started to think about me and Roman's fight and how we got to that place in our relationship. I knew I shouldn't have walked out the way I did, especially with being out for over 12 hours without informing anyone where I was at. But after our fight last night, I just couldn't take it anymore. This has been an ongoing thing in our relationship ever since her put that promise ring on my finger. I always wanted a family, ever since I could remember, and I've expressed this in our relationship multiple times. Roman was always the one who wanted to wait, and there was always a different excuse each time; whether it was waiting for his career to settle down or we weren't ready yet, he just couldn't accept it. Now I love Roman, more than anything in the entire world, but I was tired of putting his needs before mine; his own wants and his future

I sigh and continue driving down the road to my house


Roman and Y/n's House

11:15 a.m


Y/n's pov:

I pulled into our driveway and turned the car off. I just sat there, wondering if I should go in there or not. In the end, I knew I had to. I sign, getting out the car and getting my bag. I walk up to front door and unlocked it, but walking inside, I was shocked. Glass was shattered all over the floor, pictures of the walls, holes IN the walls. Vases that we got over the years destroyed.

"Listen, I don't know who you are, but you better get the hell out of-" you heard someone say, but stop mid sentence. You turn around and see Joe, looking at you with wide eyes. You mirror the same expression.

You both just stand there, looking at each other, not knowing what to say. "Joe-" you say as you try and step towards him, but he takes a step back. "Where have you been?" he says with slight anger in his tone.   "I've been up all night. Calling and texting. Everyone has been. Your mom even came over here, wondering if you've shown up." he runs his hand through his messy hair. Now that I look at him, he looks a mess. His hair is all messy, his knuckles and hands looks bruised and cut, along with his foot. His eyes look red and his under eyes makes him look like he hasn't slept in years.

"I-" you clear your throat. "I was at a hotel, in Miami." you say in a soft tone. "I-I need some space after last night Joe. I couldn't be here. It was just too much." He looks at you with a sparke in his eye. "To much to be around here, or to be around me?" he says as he leans against the wall.

You sign, running your fingers through you messy, tangled hair. "Joe, I didn't come back to argue. I came back so we can talk about last night, okay. We both said some things we probably regret, and I don't want last night to be the finally memory of us. Do you?" You see him shake his head. "Then let's clean up down here, then can we talk." He nods and you both start cleaning up the downstairs. The pictures are hung back on the walls and the glass is cleaned up. You'd call someone tomorrow to fix the holes in the wall.

You look at Joe. "Why don't you go and take a shower? I'll make some coffee, then we can talk." You see him nod, then head up stairs. You go towards the kitchen and make the coffee. You start to think of all the ways this conversation could go, and before you know it, Joe's out the shower calling your name. "Huh?" He just looks at you. "I was asking if you're ready to talk?" You nod, getting both of your coffees and sitting in the living room. You both sit and stare at each other. You wondering what's gonna happen next.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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