What He Does That You Hate

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Seth Rollins- In the ring, Seth has this cocky attitude where he thinks he's the best and greatest of all time. When he starts bringing that attitude into yall's household and relationship, that's when you start to hate it

Dean Ambrose- Dean's not great with expressing his emotions so you hate when he acts all closed off to you, but will express or talk about them to anyone else

Roman Reigns- When he spends more than 2 hours in the gym, you start to get irritated and wish you didn't get him a whole gym. If he could, he probably would spend 24/7 in there and you hate that

Randy Orton- You hate when he starts becoming Mr. OCD around the house. You could leave I glass in the sink for just a second and the man will blow up in your face. You can't leave one thing laying around or he'll put it somewhere where you can't find it

Brock Lesnar- Brock has a short temper. Everyone knows, but you hate when he uses that temper on your. Your not a little wimp, so you won't back down from him, but you hate when it's over the littlest things sometimes

Triple H- Hunter was night owl; and since he was an night owl, it also meant he was a late sleeper. He'll stay up all night trying to get work done instead of coming to bed and cuddling with you. You hate it

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