You Hit Him Where the Sun Don't Shine

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Seth Rollins- "Y/N" A voice calls but you can't think of who it is. "Y/N" You hear it again and this time they're shaking you, but you're too deep into your sleep to know who it is and wake up. "Y/N!" You hear someone yell and all of sudden, you jolt awake and punch in the direction where the voice. "Holy Son of Jesus!" You open your eyes and look down to see Seth laying on the floor, groaning, while holding his crotch. "What are you doing on the floor?" "What do you think?You freaking punch down there!" Seth whispers while rolling on the ground in pain. "Why would I do that?" You ask while sitting on the floor beside him. "I don't know! I was just trying to wake you up; like you told me to!" You look at him, smirking, while getting up off the floor. "Well I told you about waking me up that way and these were your consequences" You sing as you walk off down the hall

Dean Ambrose- You and Dean are running together up in the mountains. You start to stop so you can catch your breath. "Dean" you say with panted breaths. "Dean!" He stops running and turns to look at you. "Come on Y/N, we're almost there" he says and is about to start running again. "No, please, just let me rest for a minute or two" you say while still breathing heavy. "Fine" he says and sits on the rock in front of you. You start to drink your bottle of water and retie your shoes. You go to stand up, but accidentally kick a rock and stumble over it. "Fudge, Fudge, Fudge, Fudge!" you hear as you finish dusting your self off from the stumble. You turn and see Dean doubled over on the ground. "Are you ok?" you ask after you realize what happen. "No, dang it!" He moves to sit back on the rock. You put a cold bottle of water on his crotch. "Does that help?" "Yes, thank you" he smiles at you. "No problem, I'm sorry!" He smiles at you again. "It's ok. Accidents happen" You look at him and smile before leaning in for a kiss

Roman Reigns- "Roman!" you yell running in house. "What?" you stand in front of him, panting, from all the running. "There's a snake in backyard!" "A snake?" He says with a raised eyebrow. "Yes! A snake!" He rolls his eyes walks out into the backyard. You following behind his slowly. "Where was it?" "Over there by the fence" He turns and looks at you. "Why were over there?" "Just get the dang snake!" He turns and continues walking. "Omg, there it is!" "Where?" But you're too scared to answer him. He turns to face you. "Y/N, you have to tell me where so I can get it" You can see the snake from the corner of your eye. "There!" You say as you jump on Roman. "Omg, Y/N! Jesus Christ!" You look down and see both you and Roman the ground. "How did we get down here?" Roman just groans in response. You get up off of him and see a tear rolling down his cheek. "Ro?" "You kneed me in my groin" he says in a whisper. "Oh shot, i'm sorry" you say as you look around the backyard and notice the snake is gone. "Well at least the snake is gone" you say while smiling at him. He just shots you a glare. You smirk back

Randy Orton- You and Randy are sitting in your theater room watching Mean Girls. "I still don't understand what you find so amazing about this movie" you look at him like he's crazy. "Are you serious?" He looks at you, then back at the movie shrugging his shoulders. "Randy, this is one, if not the one, greatest movies of all time!" "I just don't see the point in watching some girls get mad if someone doesn't wear pink on Wednesdays". You turn in your chair to put you feet and legs on him. "Well that's like saying I don't see the point in Vince getting mad when someone doesn't show up for a live event." You say to him. You look and see Randy muttering to himself while hunched over. "What's wrong with you?" He leans back in his seat while gripping your ankles tight. "Dude, you're hurting my ankles!" You try to move them, but he grips them tighter to keep them still. "Please, don't move" he says in a hushed voice. You pause the movie and sit in silence, waiting for Randy to stop breathing heavy. He breathing finally evens out and he turns his head to look at you. "Next time if you want to put your legs on me, just give me a heads up so I can tell you where you can place them!" You give him a shy smile. "Sorry"

Brock Lesnar- You keep tossing and turning in bed, not being able to get comfortable. "Y/N, would you keep still, please?!" You turn to look at him. "Sorry, I just can't get to sleep" He signs and opens his eyes. "Do you want to spoon?" You look at him. "Please?" He opens his arms and you scoot back into him. "Thank you" He just hums in response and goes back to sleep. You close your eyes and try to get comfortable to go to sleep, but it's just not working. "For Christs sake!" you whisper. You turn around in Brock's while kicking your legs a little. "Oh My Lord!" You look and see Brock with his eyes tightly shut and hands holding his groin. "There were a million and one places you could have kicked your legs on this bed and you chose my groin!" You sit up alongside him. "I'm sorry babe!" He just signs and leans his head back on the headboard. "Well, I'm not gonna be able to go back to sleep now so might as well get up and get the day started" He says as he gets out of bed. "I'm really sorry Brock!" "It's fine. You just try and get some sleep" He kisses you on the lips before leaving the room. You just sign and lay back down trying to go to sleep

Triple H- "Come on Y/N!" Right now, Hunter's got you in a head lock, but your struggling to get free. "Could you lighten up some, asshole?!" He just tightens his grip. "Nope! You wanted to get trained, so I'm gonna train you" You just groan while still struggling. This has going on for the last 10 minutes. You end up having enough to push him against the ropes to release you, but he just ends up shoulder tackling you. "Oh my God!" You hit your hands against the mat. "Come on Y/N. You're not gonna get anywhere throwing a temper tantrum!" He laughs. You stick the middle finger up at him. He stops laughing. "Alright, alright. Come on" He offers his hand to help you. You take it, reluctantly, and stand up. This time you get him in a headlock. "Alright, there you go. Now go back against the ropes" You go back against the ropes and he pushes you off. Right as you're about to close line him, he does it to you instead. "Are you freaking kidding?!" He just laughs. "You know what, I'm done!" You stand up, about to walk out the ring. He stops laughing and runs after. "Wait, Y/N, I'm sorry" He turns you around. As he does, you give him a low blow with your knee. As he's hunched over in pain, you hit him with a pedigree. You turn over and pin him with a three count. You stand up and look down on him. "Next time, don't let your guard down" You bend down to kiss him while he's still in pain. "Love you" You get out the ring and head back to the house

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