Where Have You Been - R.R.

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Y/n and Roman's House

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Y/n and Roman's House

3:25 am


Roman's pov:

I throw another vase at the wall. The shattered glass falls on the floor along with the rest of broken vases

God, what the hell is wrong with me? Once again, I mess up and screw up our relationship even more

"Ow" I exclaimed in pain as I stepped on one of the glass pieces. "Great, just another thing that has gone wrong. Why can't anything ever just go right?" I sign and head upstairs to my bathroom to get the glass off

Me and Y/n have been together for a little under 4 1/2 years, but have known each other before that. We met around time my leukemia was starting to return. I was going in for a check up, and she was a nurse there. While finding out my cancer was coming back, I was going through a nasty divorce and custody battle with my ex-wife, that was going on for almost a year. She ended up becoming my in-home nurse to take care of me. One night, after my cancer was going away, I wanted to cook her dinner to show my appreciation for all the months she has helped me out. We ended up in the pool, one thing led to another and here we are now

As a I walk past a picture of us on my nightstand, I can't help, but reminisce on the fight we had...


Yesterday Evening

6:25 pm

"Joe...." she said as she trailed off and she sat up in bed

"No Y/n, ok. I don't want to keep having the same argument over and over again."  I said frustrated as I sat on the edge of the bed. "All we end up doing is talking in circles and going back and forth over the Same. Damn. Thing." My tone getting louder with each word

"Well we wouldn't HAVE to be going in damn circles if you would just.... just-"

"Just what, huh?" I said as I stood from the bed, while turning to face her. "Just magically change my mind about the future? Change my perspective on it?"

She remained silent and just stared at me

"Oh Y/n, I would love to pop a baby in you right now. No, you know what, let's go to the courthouse and get married right now. We can even stop at Target to get some rings. Gosh, I can't wait!"  I said with a heavy amount sarcasm laced in my voice

I saw her twisted up into anger, while her eyes filled with tears. That's when I knew I messed up

"Really? That's how your gonna this? Joke about my FUCKING FEELINGS?" She screams, pointing at herself. "Take my feeling's like some JOKE? Lik-"  She stopped and looked down."Like you don't care at all?" She said with nothing, but sadness in her voice


I sat on the bed while the holding picture of us in Hawaii for our 2 year anniversary. We were so happy here. I had just gave her a promise ring, promising that one day it'll be a real one. Just thinking of that I started tearing up, thinking how the HELL we came to this place in our relationship


"4 1/2, almost 5 years Joe, 5 YEARS!" she said with tears streaming down her face. "You told me that this ring, this ring would become real. THAT WAS 3 YEARS AGO JOE." she stops and takes a shaky breath. "Every time I try to bring it up, you shut me out and try to change the subject, but that doesn't change the problem that we have."

I know what i said next was stupid and inconsiderate, but at that moment, I didn't care. "And what exactly is such a problem?" She looks at me in disbelief. "Are you serious? We've just been arguing for over an hour because of OUR FUTURE that's undecided because of YOU!"


My breathing is increasing thinking about what I said to her. The look on her face; the hurt and betrayal; the tears. The look of disappointment


"I love you Joe, so, soooo much and I want us to have a future Joe, I really do. But I can't keep doing this; putting your happiness above mine because you can't commit, because you're scared." She says the last sentence in a whisper

I stared at her as my eyes being to fill with tears. "Wh- Wha-...." I say in a shaky breath. "What are you trying to say?" Waiting for the words that will destroy my entire world

She gets off the bed and walks over to me. We stand there, staring at each other with tears running down both our faces. She cups my face with her hands and kisses me. The kiss was filled with every emotion under the sun. She pulls away and looks at me

"I'm not breaking up with you, I'm taking a break from you" And with that, she walks away


My shoulders start to shake as I sob into my hands. Those 6 words, 21 letters, made my whole world crumble. All because I couldn't commit to someone who has sacrificed more than enough for me

I stare at her promise ring on the dresser. I get up to get and hold it within my hands. I had to most amazing, beautiful, and wonderful woman any guy could ask for, and in return, I couldn't give her something she's been dreaming of: A Future

Now, she's gone. And I don't know if she's ever coming back

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