Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine


Sophie tightened her grip on Keefe's hand as they walked down the lit-up streets of Atlantis. "So... how do you like this so far?" Keefe asked, looking at Sophie.

"It's... amazing. Spectacular. How did you plan this out?" Sophie replied, gazing into Keefe's ice-blue eyes. They looked like frozen pools of water that seemed to never end underneath the layer of frost covering them.

"I actually didn't," Keefe said, smirking as he ran his other hand through his blond hair. "It just kind of came to me when I saw you in that amazing dress at the restaurant."

"So then how did you book the restaurant reservation?" Sophie teased as they came to a stop at the golden fountain in the middle of Atlantis. Sophie looked at the fountain. The sculpture in the middle used to be of an elf and a human, marking their alliance. But when it finally came out that the statue served a sinister purpose, they changed it to be of Sophie, Keefe, and Linh saving the city. It was eerie to see herself and her friends immortalized in gold metal.

"Okay, fine, you got me! That was the only part that I actually did plan," Keefe said, grinning. They sat on one of the benches surrounding the fountain. Keefe nodded at the sculpture. "Is it weird to see yourself and me and Linh in the middle of a fountain in Atlantis, the city of the prominent?"

Sophie laughed. "Tell me about it! It's actually kind of creepy how accurately and perfectly they managed to capture us."

"Yeah," Keefe replied, studying his hair on the sculpture of himself. "They even got my signature hairstyle right!"

Just as Sophie was about to respond, a glowing black eye symbol shot up into the air. Sophie and Keefe both jumped up, their date forgotten. "The Neverseen," they said in unison, turning to each other.

"We need to help!" Sophie said urgently. "People might be in danger!"

"Agreed," Keefe said breathlessly. They both rushed to the spot where they estimated the black eye had come from; already the eye was fading away into sparks of light. As they ran, Keefe muttered under his breath, "It's in times like this that I really wish that Ro and your entourage of bodyguards were here! Sandor's gonna kill me. I promised that nothing would happen!"

"It's okay, Keefe," Sophie reassured as she sprinted into an alley. "I'm sure he will forgive y—"

The Neverseen were in the alley. Cloaked figures approached Sophie and Keefe. In the front of them, leading, was a figure in a silver Neverseen cloak. The person said, "Hello Sophie and Keefe. It's been a while hasn't it?"

Sophie's breath caught in her throat. Lady Gisela. "Lady Gisela! Why are you here?" Sophie asked angrily. "Aren't you done with Atlantis?"

Lady Gisela reached up and unhooded herself, revealing her face. It still looked the same, except less stretched out than before. She smiled. "Darling, I'm done with Atlantis, but I'm not done with you! You and your little friends have been disrupting our plans for so long! It feels so good to finally have one of your most prized members of your group as part of the Neverseen! And to think that he joined out of his own free will too—no need to force him or threaten anyone!"

"Fitz," Keefe whispered, his face pained. "You have Fitz."

"Yes, dearie," Lady Gisela said to him, smiling. "Your best friend turned. And he's a better asset than you too. I'm also certain that he will not be very interested in rejoining you again, either. He seems to... favor... a certain member of the Neverseen, even if he has not realized it yet."

"How do you know?" Sophie blurted out, causing Keefe to look over at her. "You're not an Empath. And going off the Fitz I know, he would never like a Neverseen. Besides, you almost killed him."

Lady Gisela smiled. "I just know. And while living with Empaths, you learn a few tricks. Such as different tells that people have that show emotions. And also... Fitzroy is different now. Maybe you wouldn't even recognize him. Who knows?"

"Why are you here?" Keefe asked, his face tight and his words clipped with annoyance.

"Tut, tut," Gisela chided her son, wagging a finger at him. "Patience, dear. I'll get to that in a minute."

Keefe's face turned red, and his eyes turned to blocks of ice. He glared at Lady Gisela, fury radiating from him.

"Moonbeam, darling, will you do the honors?" Gisela asked the Neverseen person to her right. Sophie made note of the name. Moonbeam.

Moonbeam nodded slightly, and spread her palms out, releasing a beam of pure-white light. It hurt Sophie's eyes just looking at it, and she flinched at the brightness. The ray of light exploded, illuminating the alley with brilliant white. Sophie shut her eyes tight against the strength of the light, but even through her eyelids, she could see the luminosity of it. How did Moonbeam do that?

When Sophie opened her eyes again, the Neverseen were gone. The only thing that was left behind was a small, white slip of paper, floating down towards the ground. Sophie rushed toward it, picking it up.

"What does it say?" Keefe asked, coming over to Sophie to read the note.

Sophie gasped as she read. Then she looked up at Keefe. "Looks like we'll be striking a deal with the devil," she said, her brown eyes hard and certain.

Keefe's ice-blue eyes met hers. He nodded briskly. "Looks like we will."

Hope you enjoyed our visit. You'll meet us again soon. We have something you want. Something you need. Don't you know what it is? Or, rather, who it is? Watch out for us. —The Neverseen

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