Getting involved

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*Shy's P.O.V"
Keira is really sweet and fun to be around. It be the vibes and good energy for me. We were with each other all day long she even took care of me and taught me things at that we chilled and watch movies and we learned a lot about each other I feel like she can really be my best friend, but deep down inside I kind of want to be more but the thought of me getting in another relationship starting over going thru all the weird stages doesn't sit right with me. I miss that feeling I can't explain but that feeling where you get butterflies every time you're around that person when they call and you can talk to them all night long with your feet kicked up on the wall that feeling where you just feel loved and at peace and you feel like nothing else matters she actually gives me that feeling better than anybody has ever given me but I'm going to keep that to myself I don't have the energy. After we had all the fun we can have I felt it was time for me to go home I told her to take me home and
She did the whole ride home was really really good I really liked it and when she dropped me off she kissed me on my cheek my heart melted in the inside this the shit I be talking about I smiled and got out I went straight in the house. I went to take a shower and I blasted loud music. I had a lot of time to myself and a lot of time to think. I got out of the shower like 20 mins later and I had a missed FaceTime call from her I didn't call back I just wanted a lil time to myself to unwind clean up and listen to my music like a hr and half later I tried to call back but I didn't get an answer a few hours later I dozed off around 3:15 that morning I woke up I texted Keria "not you going to bed that early😒" but it wouldn't go thru my message was green I brushed it off and went back to sleep the next morning I got up rolled over to check my phone still no hear from Keria ummm okay, I thought I checked social media no sign no post from Keria I was starting to get worried because this isn't like her to just ghost me like that for hours no good morning no goodbye nothinggg I hit her with the "Goodmorning bestie you up?👀" messages finally turned blue but still no answer. I'll jus go by there before school, I got up got ready for school made sure I was cute and smelling good as always I checked my phone one more time before I threw it in my purse to head out. I went downstairs only to see my mother and the cops sitting on the couch together. What's going on??, I asked. My mother becked for me to come sit down I went over and the police looked at me and asked" ma'am were you the last to be with Keria Jackson last night?" I was with her last night she dropped me off at home and left I came here got in the shower while I was in there I got a missed FaceTime call from her but when I got out about a hr later I tried to call her back I got no answer is everything ok? "No her family said she hasn't come in last night they want to file a missing person report but it hasn't been 24 hrs yet we're just trying to get as much information as we can to help" he said. He stood up and handed me his card with his information on it and told me to call if I hear or see anything he saw himself out the house. My heart was beating out my chest I looked at my mother tearing up she grabbed me and hugged me. She tried to convince me that everything was going to be fine but I wasn't going for it until I knew so. I got up got myself together and went out the door. On my way to school I rode past her house her car wasn't even in the yard bruh my heart kept sinking and sinking I'm going to find her I'm that determined I got to the school went to the cafeteria where everyone was I went and got breakfast and sat down I could've even eat the shit I just scrolled on tiktok. 15 mins later everybody in the room phone started to ding I looked up everyone was looking at me I looked down at my phone it was the picture of me and keria at the party somebody airdropped it. So somebody do know she's missing how tho there's no amber alert and she doesn't even go to this school that's weird asf I grabbed my trey threw it in the trash and Walked out the door. My first 4 classes were straight and pretty laid back it was time to go to the last class of the day 5th block the bell rang for us to start switching classes I went to my locker to put everything up cus wat will I need all this shit in gym for I closed my locker and Kay was standing behind it "you move on to fast I miss you stink" I laughed in her face I'm single and living life boo you had your chance you'll never see this anymore, I said. She bit her lip "fiesty I see I'll see you around" I went the opposite way and went to class. It was taking so long for the class to be over I kept checking my phone I kept trying to figure out where tf keria was she called me last night she had to go missing in between the hr and half that I called or even right after I regret not picking up for her ugh the bell rang interrupting my thoughts. Time to go I walked to my car got in and drove toward Keria house still no sign of her her family is there tho from out of town I wanted to stop but I'm not going to feel right knowing she isn't there I kept going I finally got into my neighborhood as I turned on my street a black suburban with black tinted windows cut me off and got in front of me making me hit the brakes i blowed fucking idiot I kept driving my phone got to ringing it was Keria's contact trying to FaceTime me I tried to break my fingers to answer that phone the call connected I gasped with fear WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING WITH HER PHONE WHERE'S KERIA?

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