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Over the next few weeks, school seemed to be fairly normal for Jao but little did he know that someone had been secretly watching him, more particularly, a certain boy in one of his classes the recently new student. However, during that time the boy in question always ended up finding Jao when he wasn't with Sky or their friends, at first Jao didn't think much of it and made small polite conversation with his fellow classmate but he soon noticed the reoccuring theme and it began to make him feel uncomfortable and no matter how much Jao tried to avoid the boy he just couldn't it was becoming vertually impossible.

Before he knew it, Jao began to see the more agressive side to the boy as he started to become more and more unfriendly towards him and it was then, only then, did Jao truly know who he was. He was from his past he tried very hard to forget who made his life a living hell someone he never dared to tell anyone about... his ex boyfriend Luhan.

Just as Jao thought he had left his past behind, it had only returned in the form of Luhan and it was as if nothing had changed, when no one was around he would act agressively towards Jao telling him told anyone or did something that he didn't like the look of that things could only get worse for him and little did Jao know how.


On a cold and cloudy morning, Jao and Sky arrived to school just as lessons were about to start and it could only be blamed by the traffic they were stuck in. With a shiver running down his spine Jao had a bad feeling about the day ahead but decided to put on a brave face as he said bye to Sky and the two of them went different ways to get to class, however, just as Jao was about to enter the room he was pulled by the arm around the corner out of sight only to be greeted by the one person he did not want to see.

"Hey, Jao nice to see you. You didn't think I'd see you today huh? Well, here I am."

Jao could only stare at him in absolute fear as his breathing quickened and he began to shake. He didn't want to believe it but now there he was standing there with a menacingly cruel smirk on his face.

"No... no no!.", he spoke his voice beginning to break as he desperately tried to back away from Luhan but was overpowered by him as he fell backwards.

Jao watched as he stepped closer towards him, panic continued as he began losing control of his breathing. Frozen In fear, It wasn't long before he began to harm and raise his hand at him.

"Please Luhan, leave me alone..."

But as he tried to speak Jao began to feel his breath get knocked out of him, he knew he was going for his ribs. Dare not to speak again he curled up In on himself to protect himself but what Jao needed right now was Sky desperately, thinking of him.

Seeing a chance to escape from his clutches, Jao kicked him as he could before quickly getting to his feet and running as fast as his legs would carry him the nearby boys toilets grabbing his phone from his pocket before hiding. Curled up in the corner he didn't know the extent at which he had been hurt but he knew one thing, from the way his ribs hurt so much and was struggling to get his breath some of his ribs must have been broken.

Going straight for Sky's contact pressing the call button he hoped and prayed that he would be able to answer his phone because If he couldn't he wasn't sure what he would do, listening to the dial tone he longed to hear his voice.

Thankfully, he then heard his voice.

"Hi love, are you okay?"

He tried to speak but instead it came out as a pained groan and muffled sob.

"Jao? What's happening, what's wrong?", he asked concern very much in his voice.

"Sk- ow, Sky I... I need you..."

Hearing those words Sky's blood ran cold, losing colour in his face.

"Oh, oh god. I am on my way I promise."

But before he could say anymore there was a thud then only silence.

"Jao? Jao!?."

Love At First Sight | Sky & JaoWhere stories live. Discover now