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He waited and waited for a doctor to come and speak with him he didn't want to wait any longer, he wanted to see Jao to know he was alright.

After three gruelling hours, Sky spotted a doctor walking towards him, he felt like his heart was going a million miles an hour.

"Are you here for Khaojao?"

"Yes, please tell me is he ok, please tell me my boyfriend is alright."

Sky watched as the doctor gave him a look of sympathy, as he swallowed the lump that was rising his throat fighting back the tears that formed in his eyes.

"I'm afraid that from what we know he was hit by a car, severe damage has been done to his spine. We've done what we can but the damage can not be undone, we have had to open up the spine and attach two titanium rods to make sure he his stabilised."

Sky didn't think his heart could break any more than it already had but that was becoming increasingly difficult as he already had an idea of what was to come and what he heard next, the doctor only confirmed it.

He didn't dare speak as he knew his voice would break.

"His T12 vertebrae was crushed causing the spinal cord injury.

"So... So that means-"

"It means that it is still intact, however, I'm afraid it means that he will have to be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life."

Sky nodded with a sharp intake of breath, "Can I see him, please."

"Of course, follow me."

Following the doctor down many corridors, they eventually made it to Jao's room.

"I'll leave you be, let me know if you need anything."

Nodding he slowly opened the door and walked in only to be broken down by the heart-wrenching sight in front of him.

From first glance, Jao looked peaceful while he slept but he knew he would be in a lot of pain but the IV would help.

The room was silent except for the beeping of the heart rate monitor echoing around the room.

Sitting in the chair at Jao's bedside Sky carefully took Jao's hand in his.

"I'm here, I'm here love it's alright.", he said speaking softly.

He waited patiently for Jao to wake up soon but he knew he would wake up in his own time.

Sky tried to stay awake but the more he tried to fight it the more tired he became, he soon found himself fast asleep. Though a while later he hadn't realised how long he had been sleeping until he heard a sharp intake of breath and coughing.

Waking up with a start he quickly sought to calm him, grabbing a cup of water and putting it to his lips, "Easy Jao it's alright, breathe. Here take a sip of this water."


"It's okay, Shh."

Taking the cup away and setting it down he held Jao's hands in his.

Tears clouded his eyes once again, "Jao-"

"Sky... I can't feel my legs. What happened to my legs.", he replied softly.

"When you were hit by the car, it caused damage to your spine and... and I'm sorry Jao but... you're paralysed."

Seeing the pain in his boyfriend's eyes Sky could not bear it as he looked down for a moment as Jao began to cry.

It quickly turned into sobbing. Standing up Sky carefully leaned over Jao to hug him.

"Oh, Jao shh it's alright, everything is going to be alright. I love you.", he said softly kissing his lover on the on his forehead. Sky continued to hold his boyfriend close as his wails and cries filled the room his head buried in Sky's chest as Sky rubbed his back whispering words of comfort as tears fell down his own cheeks before he gently his chin atop Jao's head.

"Jao... listen to me it's going to be hard. But we'll get through this together," Sky promised, "I'll always be here for you. We'll make new memories, create new adventures," Sky said, This may be a setback, but it's not the end."

And with Sky by his side, Jao knew that anything was possible. They were a team, and nothing could ever break that bond.                                                                              

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