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A few days later Jao and Sky woke up early on a sunny Saturday morning, excited for their plans with their friends Intouch, Daisy, Som, Tor, Fon, Kongkwan, Toh and Nuea. They had planned a day of fun activities, starting with a hike in the nearby hills.

As they set off on the trail, Jao exclaimed, "This is going to be an amazing day! I can feel it in my bones."

Daisy, who was walking alongside him, smiled and replied, "I know, I can't wait to spend some quality time with all of you."

The group chatted and laughed as they hiked, taking in the beautiful scenery around them. Intouch pointed out a family of deer grazing in a nearby meadow, and Som couldn't resist taking a picture to capture the moment.

The group chatted and laughed as they hiked, taking in the beautiful scenery around them. Intouch pointed out a family of deer grazing in a nearby meadow, and Som couldn't resist taking a picture to capture the moment.

As they reached the summit, Kongkwan declared, "This view is breathtaking! I'm so glad we decided to do this hike."

After the hike, they all piled into cars and headed to a nearby lake for a picnic lunch. As they spread out blankets and unpacked their sandwiches, Toh said, "This is the perfect spot for a picnic. I can't wait to eat and relax."

Fon agreed, "I love being out in nature like this, it's so peaceful."

After lunch, they spent the afternoon playing games and swimming in the lake. Nuea, who was a bit of a daredevil, suggested they try cliff jumping into the water. Tor, who was a bit more hesitant, said "I'm not sure about that, it looks pretty high."

Jao, who was feeling adventurous, exclaimed "Come on Tor, it's okay."

Jao looked down below and saw the others all waiting for them shouting and encouraging them to Jump in. After a few moments they both plucked up the courage to jump in, but amongst all of the excitement for a moment he forgot that he had recently come out of hospital after being injured by his ex who he thought was long in the past but had come back to haunt him only to hurt him and break a couple of his ribs. In that moment he forgot that though he was pretty much healed he was still bruised and as he hit the water he could only feel shock as the water swarmed around his body, particularly his ribs, Jao gasped losing his breath under the water and as he tried to swim to the surface he couldn't he didn't have the strength.

As he started to panic he could just about her the panicked shouts from his friends but especially Sky, "Jao! Jao! Where are you, Jao!

Sky could only panic as fear struck him, tears welled in his eye's without hesitation, Sky dove down into the water, searching desperately for Jao's body. He finally found him lying motionless at the bottom of the lake.

"Come on, Jao," Sky pleaded as he grabbed hold of his boyfriend's body and pulled him to the surface. "Please, don't leave me."

With the help of his friends, Sky performed CPR on Jao until after what seemed like a lifetime he finally coughed and took a breath.

"Thank God," Sky said, tears streaming down his face. "I thought I'd lost you."

Jao looked up at Sky with confusion and fear in his eyes. "What happened?" he asked.

"You went into shock and started drowning," Sky explained. "But I got you. I'll always be there to save you. And I'm sorry I should have suggested we come here, you're still recovering and it's all my fault.", Sky replied as he brought Jao close to him, hugging him, and sobbing, and holding him as close as possible and upon seeing and hearing this Jao was quick to comfort his boyfriend.

"Sky, listen to me, look at me. It is not your fault, we all wanted to come here I wanted to come here you and as for jumping into the water it was my own fault, I should have known better but I got carried away so please, please don't blame yourself."

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