Chapter 13 - Blinded By Love. **GORE!!!**

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I had woken up in the same car I had passed out in. Lucas is stepping out of the vehicle, probably starting to get me out. He walks over to my door. "Lucy, wake up." I open my eyes as a gush of freezing air passes through me, actually waking me up. I still have Lucas's jacket on. I'm still not completely sober, but I'm getting there. It usually is quick for me to sober up.

I cling onto Lucas, making me vulnerable but I'm not scared. I feel safe when I'm with him. I can rely on him. I trust him. Sure, it's a silly thing considering that I had just met him but the way he makes me feel is something I haven't experienced in a while.

We walk inside the building, and no one sees me with Lucas. I mean, it is 2:45 AM.

We walk up the stairs to my apartment, and I'm still holding on to Lucas. Even though we aren't outside anymore, I still feel the need to do this. As if my life depends on it. Who knew this could happen within 2 hours that you meet someone new?

I get out the keys from my jean pocket and thrust open the door. The familiar scent of my house floods my nostrils with pleasantness. "Ah. home sweet home. Hey Lucas, wanna have a drink before you go?" I ask with a slight smile. "Yeah sure," he sits down. "Whatcha got?"

"Hmmm, let me check." I go to open my fridge as my instincts tell me there's something wrong. And I can't tell if it's just my stomach from drinking or something else.

I take out two shot glasses and tequila. "We're gonna have fun, haha." He says smirking. As I poured tequila into his glass the upsetting of my stomach was far worse than I imagined. I realized something was wrong at the last second. My heart drops as I remember that...

I had never given Lucas my address.

The thought almost made me throw up. I let a stranger in my house, and he knew where I lived before I told him anything. I gag. "Wait, Lucas- I- I need to use the bathroom." I rushed out of the room.

I go to the bathroom, shut the door and lock it. My heart starts pounding as I take out my phone to dial 911. I start to call the number silently. But then my phone powers off! Fucking great! My life's at stake and my phone wants to play silly games! I flush the toilet to trick Lucas into thinking that I used the bathroom.

I come out, trying not to make my shaking noticeable. My charger is in my room, I just have to lock myself in there and call. "Hey Lucas, I'm gonna go inside my room for a bit." He nods, giving me an okay, while smiling widely.

How could someone so sweet be a psycho?! He was so nice... and this happens. I desperately look for my charger. My heart stops as I hear a sinister voice behind me saying...

"Looking for this?"

I turn around to see Lucas holding my charger. Smiling menacingly as he taunts me with the object I need to save my life.

"What do you want from me?!" I shout.

"What do you mean? I found this on the kitchen floor..."

What? Oh my god, not this again... "How do you know my address?!" He looks at me confused. "What? Alyssa gave me your address, isn't she one of your friends?" I start to tremble. "Why would Lissa give you my address?!" He tilts his head to the side. "I asked for it, since they were talking about you. I've wanted to meet you for a while now. Sorry for not telling you sooner. I understand if you don't trust me."

I'm so fucking stupid. All this time, Lucas just wanted to meet me and I've sat here, acting like an asshole towards him. "I..." I start to cry. Lucas comes closer and hugs me, rubbing my back. He lifts up my chin and slides his hand to my cheek, caressing my face.

"Let's go drink. Helps you feel better." I nod and follow him back to the kitchen.

I sit down and me and Lucas cheer as we take a shot. I throw back the tequila while looking back at Lucas. His face...

He's holding in a laugh with mean eyes.

"What's so funny?!"

He chuckles.

"Goodnight, Lucy."

I see my world go black.


I wake up in a basement, it's not my house. My whole body is strapped to a chair. And my mouth is taped up, wrapping around the back of my neck to my lips. But where did... Lucas. Lucas kidnapped me. I knew it. I shouldn't have trusted him. God damnit! Whatever, I am not going to die, not like this!

I try to move over to the nearby table, launching my body up into the air, along with the chair. Every time I hit the ground, a loud noise comes along with it. Fuck. I see a knife on the table, if i get that, I can cut myself free!

I keep on moving, trying not to make a lot of noise, but I can't help it. I see the knife getting closer each time I jump, maybe just two more jumps, and I can make it!!

I jump once, desperate to get the knife. The second time I jump, I make it to the table!

Yes! Now let me pick up the knife with... oh.

What was I thinking..?

And then I saw a familiar hand grab the knife. I stood there in shock as he said, "You were being too loud..." He said in a playful tone. He turned the chair, forcing me to face him. "You know, if you didn't hurt them, I wouldn't have to do this." I felt my mouth tremble as I said, "Who..?"


Blind, huh?

I look down, crying. I hear Lucas shuffle around, looking for something. Is that even his name?

At this point, I've lost all hope. "Can you just get it over with?" My voice cracks. "Sure, let me just do something." He comes towards me and takes my shirt off. What the hell is he doing?

He takes out a scalpel and starts carving something into my flesh. The red, crimson colored liquid comes flowing out. I wince at the pain, but I can't do anything. 

He smiles at his work, "It says slut! Pretty cool right?"

No response.

"Whatever, let me get the axe." My heart stops. Axe? I start to shake. He comes back with an actual axe.

"Oh." I mumble. This isn't a nice way to die. "Last words, questions, comments, concerns?" Finally, my chance.

"What's your name?"

He looks at me and grins slightly while getting in position to decapitate me. While he's swinging, I hear his mumbled words.

"It's Peter."

1182 words.

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