Chapter 12 - Names Are Pretty Important.

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And just like that, I drifted off to sleep.


Yeah, they fell asleep. I peek at them to see if they are. "Darling?" No response. This is it. This is the time where I make Y/N's life easier for all of us. And by us, I mean me and Y/N. I get up from the bed. I write a note just in case they wake up. The note read, "Going to the store, brb! xoxo" They wouldn't know. It's time.

I'm going to kill that son of a bitch, Lucy.

I crawl out of the bed, making sure I don't wake Y/N up. It's quiet. I put on my blue hoodie. I know where Lucy's at. She's probably at that club with her "friends". I walk out of the house, slowly closing the door behind me silently. Walking to my car, I know that I'll have to ask Lucy to fuck. I almost threw up at the thought. There is no other way. She's gonna have friends there, and I can't just walk out with a body in my hands. Especially hers.

How do I know this? Well... Although I don't like Lucy, I have stalked her too. Just for this moment. Where I stab her until her body lay lifelessly on the floor of her apartment. Where her voice reaches out for help but no one dares to come to save her. Where her expression looks so dreadfully scared I burst out on the floor laughing.

I'm not really crazy, am I?


"Lucy! Take another shot!!" I don't remember how many I already had. I don't care anymore, honestly. So many things happened today, me and Y/N stopped being friends, Olive locked my bank account, and Paul broke up with me for Alexa. Honestly, the only thing I have to cry on is alcohol. I pick up the shot glass and chug that shit like there's no tomorrow.

I've never actually been "fine" the more that I think about it. I let out an exhale. Muffled voices come from my friends around me, but I don't bother to ask what they're saying. Maybe I'm the problem. Maybe I'm selfish. Maybe it's my fault.

"Guys, I'm going to the bathroom."

I wobble around, having no actual sense of direction or where I'm going. I'll find the bathrooms eventually. My vision gets hazy. Everything seems like a blur. I look around to see where exactly I'm at, but I'm so dizzy, everything's a haze. Usually I'm good with alcohol, but I had way too many shots tonight. I went over my limit. I let out a sigh while my legs give out and I collapse on the floor.

I don't feel like I'm gonna black out, so that's good. But I can't move. I lie on the floor looking around. I was just about to shut my eyes when I see a tall figure heading towards me.

"Hey, are you okay?"

They sounded so kind. They didn't touch or take advantage of me. It's been a while since someone like that popped into my life.

"Well, no. Does it look like it??" I say in an angered tone. They reach out their hand. "Where's your friends? I can take you to them..." I shake my head and get up. "I just wanna go home." I look up at their face. "Well, I can drive you..." I keep on analyzing him. I look at his hands. They aren't the worst. Better than average hands. He's wearing a sleeveless blue hoodie with black pants. His shirt has a broken heart on it. Is he emo? I look up at his face, and he has very pretty blue eyes. They look like an endless ocean. Very dark and mysterious, who is this stranger?

The stranger breaks the silence. "Um, are we having a moment..?" He chuckles. I realize I've been checking him out, and staring at his eyes! "Oh, sorry, I'm not thinking straight right now, I'm surprised I'm able to have a conversation with you right now." He softens his expression. "Oh, it's alright! As I was saying, would you like me to drive you home?" Should I let him? I mean, I've only known him for two seconds, which is a problem cause I don't just sleep with anyone. But he's different and he gives me this mysterious cutie vibe. I sigh. "How big is it?" 


"I asked, how big is it?"

"Um, I want to drive you to your house..."

What? Did I misinterpret his message? He doesn't wanna sleep with me? Oh my god, what if he just wanted to actually drive me home?

"I'm so sorry, I- most men ask me this as an excuse to have sex- I thought..." He covers my mouth with his hand. "No, you're good. I never said I wasn't interested though." I unknowingly blush. I roll my eyes and push his hand off my mouth. "Fine, Mr. 'I just want to drive you home', where's your car?" I huff.

Don't tell me I actually like this dude.

He takes me to his car. I almost fall over immediately because of how strong the wind is and how weak my legs are. Before falling over, the stranger grabs me. "Be careful." He holds me while he leads me to the door to his car.

His car is a blue convertible. Kinda like Y/N boyfriend's when I saw them driving away. I can't identify anything because I'm so drunk. I start to shiver, I knew I shouldn't have worn a crop top today.

The stranger passes me his hoodie. "Put it on so you won't freeze to death." He giggles. I suck my teeth and put it on. His cologne smells nice. He begins driving. "What's your name?" He asks finally. "Lucy. What's yours?" He takes a second. "Lucas." I look out the window. "That's a nice name." I say. "I don't know, It's alright." I smile. I think the last thing I said before I blacked out was,

"Well, I don't know... I think that Lucy and Lucas have a ring to it, don't you think?" 

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