The Ministry of Magic

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This is probably the longest awaited update, but I had to walk away from the story for a bit to be able to visualize where I wanted to go from here. I knew it wasn't The End, but the continuation was very hazy for me. At long last, and I promise it's worth it, here is the continued plights of two beautiful souls stumbling through life trying to find a little bit of peace and comfort.

I do have a lot yet to add and am planning to hopefully complete this story within the next few days. Most is already completed, just need to type it all up. Please feel free to give me any suggestions, comments, and encouragement. All are welcome! Thank you for the read.

Harry awoke to the sun streaming in through the window at his new home on Spinner's End. After his graduation, Severus had inquired as to Harry's living arrangements, as he did inherit a home from his late godfather, but he found it too painful to enter let alone live in. Too many memories stalked the halls. No, Harry had resolved to ask the Weasley's if they would allow him to stay for a few weeks while he went on the hunt for a place of his own.

When Harry brought up his plan to Severus, he refused to hear of it. He practically begged Harry to come and stay with him, complaining that his home was far too big for one man to live in alone. Harry didn't want to intrude on his life until he knew they were ready but staring into the man's eyes and feeling the depths of his soul reverberate through his body, he knew there would be no better time than now.

Harry smiled at the thought, rolling over gently, taking in the heart stopping image before him. Severus lay peacefully on his stomach, half the blankets off, exposing his bare back and ass. Without a second thought, Harry reached over and gave his ass a firm squeeze.

"Your inability to keep your hands off me makes me almost feel sexy," Severus mumbled, sleep still heavy in his voice.

"It should, and you are." Severus smiled at the endearment, rolling over and pulling Harry into his arms. "As much as I would adore laying in your arms forever, I have an interview to get to." Severus could feel the slight hint of nerves behind his voice. Harry was scheduled for an interview today for a position as an auror at the Ministry of Magic. Severus had reassured him countless of times that he was a shoe in, and the interview was simply a formality, but Harry was terrified that the position he worked so hard for would be pulled out from under him.

"You already know you'll be amazing. Trust me, and please, for the sake of my own anxiety, take some breaths and calm yourself." Severus could feel his own heart threatening to pound a hole in his chest.

The past fall, Harry and Severus found themselves in a once-in-a-lifetime bond, causing both to feel each other's pain, pleasure, emotions, everything. While the bond was wonderful in some ways, it proved difficult in others. Last month, Harry sprained his ankle while playing quidditch with the Weasley's. Severus immediately felt the blow from inside the Weasley house but struggled to get himself up and out to the field due to the pain in his ankle. Illness, disease, anything at all, became a shared experience.

"Sorry, I just can't imagine what I would do if they say no." Harry gave Severus a small smile.

"They won't, trust me." Severus winked at him.

"Um, what did you do?" Harry was suddenly highly suspicious. Had Severus pulled some strings for him? What did he know that he wasn't telling? Regardless, Harry knew this explained why Severus always seemed 100% confident in his ability to land the position. Honestly, Harry thought he just didn't care for some reason.

"Nothing. I'm just very confident in your interviewing abilities." Severus seemed to take a second to rethink his statement, "Or is it your interrogation techniques? Either way, you'll get them to say yes." Severus laughed, pulling Harry over to him, giving him a soft kiss. "I love you, now go get dressed and get it over and done with so we can properly celebrate your new job."

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