The Unbreakable Link

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Short update. Will have the final piece as well as the epilogue soon! Thank you for reading and be sure to vote and comment!

"You should think twice before trying something so stupid. CRUCIO!" Pain ripped through Harry in horrific waves. Harry was still tied up with the hood, laying on what felt like cold concrete. He had no hints as to what his fate would be if they wanted him for information or just planned on torturing him. If he had only managed to stay upright.

He had managed to throw the hood off once he took off running but found himself running straight for a river. When he went to stop himself from falling in, he ended up falling over, unable to balance himself. He tried to get up before anyone caught up with him but found himself being pulled up by his hair. Before Harry could see the face of his captors, the hood was placed back over his head.

Now, an unknown amount of time passed before his captors came in and threw an unspeakable curse at him. The pain was unbearable, but he knew Severus would be suffering along with him. His heart ached to know he felt the indescribable pain he was now enduring. "STOP! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME???!!!" The pain ceased, leaving Harry lying there, whimpering from the aftershocks.

"What do I want? The Minister. Plain and simple. You get to be my hostage. Lucky you!" Harry could hear him walk towards the back of the room, rustling through something.

"What do you want with the Minister?" Harry hoped keeping him talking would give him a breather from whatever he had in mind.

"His head. That scut deserves to suffer after what he did to my life."

Harry had no idea what kind of issues the Minister was having and, honestly, had no time for foreign politics, but he could tell this man doesn't care either way. "Listen, I'm not from here. I'm a foreign auror from England. I was just assigned here to help. The Minister has no ties to...AGGGHHH!!" Harry once again found himself enveloped in pain as he cut him off with an aggressive "CRUCIO!"

"That's quite enough talk, I think. Have an excellent evening." Harry heard the footsteps retreat, then the squeak and slam of a metal door. 'God, Severus, please. Please let them be able to find me.'


Lucius helped Severus sit up against the wall of his office. "Was that...?"

"Yes. Yes. Lucius, what are we going to do? I can't lose him!" Severus, as strong a man as Lucius has known him to be, began to cry, hyperventilate. He had a hard time finding a way to calm himself.

Lucius got up and went to get him a tranquilizer from his desk, which he kept for himself if he ever had to stay the night at the office (He can't sleep anywhere but his bed without help), when Severus began to yell out again, once again convulsing on the floor, contorting with pain. "Severus! Fight it! You must help him fight it!!"

Severus' body quit convulsing, laying there out of breath. "I can't Lucius. I can't. I think he's terrified. I'm terrified. I can't do this." Severus breathed out.

"Severus Snape, are you turning coward on me?! Don't you even dare speak such bullshite to me! You are the strongest person I've ever met. If anyone can do this, it's you. He needs you at his side. You can do that from here. Be his rock, Sev. Hold him together." Lucius pulled his friend into an embrace before pulling him back to wipe the tears from his eyes. "What do you say we get your man back?" Lucius winked at him before once again helping set him against the wall.

Harry, with great effort, was able to sit up. He once again attempted to loosen the ropes around him and found they refused to budge an inch. He then began to work on the hood over his head but found the rope around his neck was placed well enough to hold it in place. Harry had no idea what to do. He had no wand, no arms, no ideas as to where he's at, and no one else does either. He started to feel frightened, fearing he may never see Severus again, when suddenly he felt stronger, more resolute. The emotions came crashing through his own, drowning out any feeling of hopelessness he had held previously. Above all the emotions, though, he felt love. He knew immediately who these emotions belonged to and knew Severus was right there with him, ready to help him fight his way out of here.

Harry knew their connection practically made them one, and he knew they had barely tapped into how deep the connection ran. Summoning every bit of energy he had left, Harry called out for the man he loved.


Lucius had gathered everyone into a spare office in the Irish Ministry: Kingsley, Severus, Dumbledore, England's Minister Granger, Ireland's Minister O'Galvin, as well as all foreign and local aurors. A frustrating argument had broken out between all parties, something Severus had zero patience for right that moment. He took a deep breath and was about shut them all up when suddenly, he was pulled into himself, everything going dark. A familiar voice rang in his ears. 'Severus! Please God, Severus! You must find me!'

'I'm here Harry! I'm here!'

'Severus! I thought I'd never hear that voice again. I don't know what to do!' Telepathically, Harry quickly explained what happened and led to his current situation. 'I'm trapped. I can't escape these bindings let alone this room.'

'Wandless magic! Harry, I need you to try and focus all your power. I'm going to focus alongside you and we're going to attempt to wandlessly cast a tracking spell!' Severus hollered for the room he was in to quiet. Everyone quit their discussions, staring at Severus as though they had forgotten he had been in the room. "I'm going to attempt to help Harry cast a tracking spell we can follow. I need silence to focus. Everyone needs to be ready to search! He's in some kind of a building. Metal door, concrete floor. That's all we have to go with at the moment."

Everyone in the room held their breath, waiting for some kind of a sign to fly. Minister O'Galvin looked confused, turning to Lucius, "What is he, some kind of psychic? Is this your plan?"

Severus flew at him, pinning the Minister up against the wall. Everyone was rooted to the spot, shocked at the scene playing out before them. Lucius started to try and intervene. "Don't, I won't kill this wanker," Snape snapped. Lucius stopped, watching the situation closely. "You are the reason this son of a bitch has him. It's your fault all of this mess came to be. Maybe I SHOULD just send your head and be done with this mess!" The Minister stuttered, seemingly unable to speak. Severus dropped him, then sat down in the chair he had previously occupied, pulling once again for Harry.

'Harry! Concentrate! Use your magic to help us find you!' Severus' voice filled his head once more, causing him to feel brave given the circumstances. He knew they wouldn't give up on him, but he needed to help them find their way here. Closing his eyes to concentrate, channeling all his magic into his left hand. He could feel Severus' push, increasing the power. Taking a deep breath, Harry shifted his hand up, speaking the tracking spell, "Avensegium!"

Harry could feel and see a flash of magic and knew they had succeeded.

Everyone in the room suddenly sprang to action. They could all feel the powerful pull and knew it would be seconds before his captor did as well.

'We're coming, love. Hang on!'

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