Grief in love

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Lucius had never seen a more beautiful funeral. Everyone had gathered together, leaving little space as everyone shared stories and memories with one another. He ducked out just as the ceremony was starting, preferring not to be a part of something so permanent. He sat on a nearby bench and let go of his emotions, freely crying into his hands.

Life felt so precious in that moment. Every relationship, friendship, family, all suddenly felt so temporary. Lucious felt terrified in that moment, imagining what he would do if anyone in his own life suddenly fell away. Silently, he felt tears fall from his eyes, falling onto his dress robes, blending amongst the rain drops falling around him.

He felt someone sit beside him, but couldn't be bothered to find out who, even though he knew who it would be. An arm rested over his shoulders, pulling him over into a hug. "It's not fair Severus. He sacrificed everything to save Harry due to our own mistake." Lucius let out a sigh as he recalled those last moments.

The kidnapper had grabbed Lucius' wand out of his hand as he was distracted by Harry and Severus' reunion. Lucius had watched Severus and Harry fall after Severus had been hit with the killing curse. After that, it seemed like everything went in slow motion. Before the two even hit the ground, Kingsley had flown at the kidnapper, leaping towards him. The kidnapper threw a killing curse at him when he was just mere inches away. Kingsley fell with a thud beside the bodies of Severus and Harry.

In rage, Lucius threw his own killing curse directly at the kidnapper, causing him to become yet a fourth body to pile onto the ground. Lucius felt his heart shatter in that moment. Watching his friends fall around him made him sick to his stomach. As he emptied his stomach of its contents, he heard moaning coming from the pile of bodies. Lucius quickly wiped his mouth and crawled his way over to the pile, checking each body.

"Lucius...Lucius, help Harry!" Lucius glanced over at Severus as he moved himself to try and reach for Harry's body. Lucius pulled himself over to Harry, checking for a pulse. He pulled back in shock as he felt the thud of his heart against his neck. Looking down, he noticed the blood seeping freely from the wound in his shoulder. Without thinking, Lucius ripped a piece of his shirt, pushing it against the wound, applying pressure.

"Harry! God not you too!" Lucius used his free hand to grab his wand, pointing it at his wound. "Cautorizo!" Lucius knew the wound had stopped bleeding, but continued to hold pressure, unable to remove his hand for fear the spell had failed. Albus reached over, pulling Lucius off Harry and guiding him to the hands of some of the other aurors nearby. In shock, he allowed himself to be lead, his heart cracking with each step he took away from the extended family he loved as his own.

"Lucius." Severus put his arm around his oldest friend, pulling him closer, enveloping him in his arms.

"This is my fault. I made this too personal and should have let someone else lead." Severus pulled himself into Severus' black robes, breathing in the comforting scent he's began to accept as a home away from home with his friend.

"You saved our lives. You saved Harry. I couldn't imagine a better person to follow into battle with. Hey," Severus pulled back, lifting his friend's chin with his hand. "Thank you. Seriously. Thank you for saving my life. Thank you for risking your life for one of the people that means the world to me. Lucius, you have been the greatest friend anyone could ever ask for." Lucius' mouth twitched in a brief smile, hugging his friend yet again.

"You know, I do believe I owe you a thank you as well, friend." Lucius looked up behind Severus and found Harry standing there, smiling at the pair of them. "I know what you did for me, and Severus. We owe you our lives, Lucius. What happened to Kingsley isn't your fault, and he'd hate to know it was eating you alive like this. Accept what you couldn't control and embrace what you did with courage and love."

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