the ghost

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Ko Mun yeong's pov

Ugh now because of this wound I will have to go to the medical room. Like seriously it is not even that big. Suddenly I remembered something and said to Jungkook

"Hey! I will go to the medical room with you but wait before that I need to sort something out."

"What ??" he asked but I didn't answered and just moved towards that girl who chose to dug her own grave. I had a small packet of curd. I threw it on her head and quickly turned towards the other direction. Then just according to my plan, she come and patted at my back. I turned. Yes, she was hella angry.

"WHy did you hit that pack on me?" she said

"I didn't did anything" I said nonchalantly while smirking internally.

"HAHA You think I will believe your lie?" she said

"Well if you don't then ask that boy" I said pointing at a random boy

"OH really so boy tell me did she did that ?" She asked that boy

I was glaring at the boy and there are some perks of being scary "N-No "the boy said. I know no  one could have been okay with that glare. Then that girl left to wash her dress and lots of people started whispering about me but to be honest who cares. Then I went to Jungkook

"Really that was your work! You know you were looking like you can kill that boy any minute. By the way why don't you sometimes smile. You either have a poker face or a scary one. I want to see your smile ,it will look really good on you " He said while we both were walking till the medical room.

"Why don't you say something, it feels like I am talking to the wall " He complained

I chuckled he was kinda cute. "What do you want to hear?" We reached the room. Then the nurse came ,saw my wound and started cleaning meanwhile there was a complete silence actually not uncomfortable . 

after the nurse went he said "How did you got that wound ?"

"None of your business" I said cause I don't want him to know about my parents it will probably be bad for their 'reputation' 

"Okay fine don't get offended." he said.

Time skip

The day quickly went by right now it is 11.20 pm. I was thinking about things then slowly I fell asleep----

Suddenly because of a really bad dream I woke up. Oh god That dream was not at all good, it was 2 am I saw in the clock . I was just seeing here and there when I noticed that there was something on my balcony. I decided to see there. I went closer, my heart beat was increasing. Adrenaline was rushing then I saw a lady's figure in the balcony. 


Well now the story will become interesting. So, stay tuned 

I wrote that scene with that girl causing trouble because I was in a really good mood. ╰(*°▽°*)╯maybe not just a bit but A LOT. hahahahahahah

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