I am what??

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Mun yeong's pov

The realization hit me, that is a kind of ghost. Dumbo don't go there I tried telling myself .But my curiosity took over and I went there. Okay so she was looking like a beautiful lady who was in her late teenage years just like me . Ugh these days even these ghosts are more beautiful than me. I was really scared ,so scared that My feet were totally glued to the floor and that ghost was not even giving a shit to the fact I am standing just a little far from her. Then I heard murmuring something to herself.

I am a scaredy cat I realized that moment . I can't even ask her anything like why are you here? or who are you?

Suddenly that girl turned and said "HAHAHA You are not a scaredy cat. By the way I am Rosemarry. You can call me Rose and why I am here tonight .You will get to know that soon. Don't be scared I will not harm you." She had a very elegant dress and I was so surprised to know that she just read my mind. I stood there for five more minutes when another Ghost-man came to the balcony. He looked quite old. 

"I hope I didn't made you two wait for too long." the ghost-man said politely.

"No, sir" girl answered 

"Well now I will give you the introductions properly." said the girl "Mun yeong, this is Sir Charles Wood" she continued.

"I know Mun yeong you are quite surprised by our entry but don't worry I will explain you all the things clearly. Firstly we both are ghosts but we work for the Death Corporation. "This Death Corporation is actually a small group of five people. I will explain about the members later but for right now I'll tell you things in short. This group of people have a leader which we call the Death king or Death Queen. I have been working as the Death King for a long time now. But after every thousand years the king or queen is changed. There is a small crystal ball which shows us our new leader and it has chosen you as our queen . " the man explained 

"Sir why not we show her the castle and our crew. Then it be easier for her to understand " The girl said

"Wait wait this is very weird cause you all are ghost and I am a human then how can you make me a queen?" I interrupted both of them 

"Well It is weird for us also but that crystal ball can never be wrong it only choses dead people maybe you are dead mentally and physically alive that is my theory but to be honest no one knows the real fact behind this." the girl answered in a very polite manner.

"Maybe" I muttered to myself

"Rose is right why not we take you to the castle only." The man said with a bit happy tone.

"Okay sir" with that Rose took out a small blue colored rock. First Sir Charles touched the rock and disappeared suddenly. Then Rose said "Mun yeong come closer and touch this stone . It is a yeondolo stone it will take you to the castle" 

Then I touched that rock and everything turned pure black then I felt like my stomach is twisting in no time I was teleported to a huge beautiful castle it made of dark colored stones lots of plants were also there. Making it more elegant.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter 


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