The Letter

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Mun yeong's pov

Everyone was surprised when I said I have a plan. 

"What plan?" Ash asked

"See we will write a small letter saying that Ko mun yeong is killed by a serial killer and we will also leave some blood stains and ashes in my bedroom. Then they will thunk I am really dead." I explained

"It is not that good idea , what if they try to find your dead body?" Rose said

"We are leaving those ashes there. Which means the dead body is burnt." I replied 

"Fine let's do this. Plus we don't even have any other plan." 

So, after that everybody started working  Benjamin and Rose had to bring ashes. Frank had to make fake blood. And Ash and I, we were going to write the letter. As per the plan Ash and I went to another hall to write the letter. It took us a few seconds only to reach the hall. It was a not so huge room compared to the others  but I like these kind of rooms only soft and cozy. I sat at the table and Ash was sitting in front of me .

"So, what kind of letter are we supposed to write." Ash asked

"Listen first let me write the letter then you can check it okay?" I replied

It took a whole eternity to complete it and finally it was ready-


Hi dear,

I am psk. And your filthy daughter was being a big disturbance in my plan. So, I had to kill her but don't worry I won't do any harm to your family until and unless ,you decide to go to the police and register a complain against me. By the way it was difficult for me to kill her she was so beautiful. I first wanted to have some fun. But unfortunately your daughter was so stubborn that she neither let me complete my plan nor let me have some fun. Stupid girl.  If she would have let me do any of the two things I would have spared her but no. She was stupid enough not to listen to me but I guess you two are intelligent enough to listen to me. Lastly I would assure you it didn't pain her much cause I first killed her then burned her. After all now there is no evidence that I was her killer. You all don't even know me properly.

Your daughter's killer



(The final letter.)

"Yes now this looks like a letter written by a phyco killer." Ash said

I sighed. "Great now the first step towards our plan is ready. The letter is completed let's check on others." I said. And with that Ash and I,  we both went to check on second group that was of Rose and Benjamin.


I hope you like this chapter. Feel free to comment. 


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