Extinction(Engineer Mark)

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P.O.V. Story

Earth was consumed by flames from a sunflare in 2030. Luckily Nasa was able to predict the burst from the sun, in time enough for only a select few hundred of people to escape earth on four seprate spacecrafts.

The human race was dwindling. So the male leaders decided to be·trothed the young women to any eligible men once they reach the age of 18. If they couldn't produce a child in a years time they'd switch partners... If still no child they'd get tested for fertility & if they couldn't have children they'd remain single,same for the men.
The Captains of the ships were responsible for the pairing of the couples. Luckily for you ,your Dad was the Captain of the spacecraft you was on, The Invincible 1.

It was a one day before your eighteenth birthday! You was filled with excitement,but sorta bummed. For your dad be·trothed
you to his right hand man, the head engineer of the ship-Mark. They're close friends, plus Mark did most of everything that needed to be done on the spacecraft.
Unlike your other friends getting paired off with someone they didn't like or know, you sorta liked Mark & grew up around him. He was a bit accident prone & goofy. There was only a fourteen year age gap- which was good considering some got like 20+ years age difference. Mark had been single for ten years. When you was a little child he had a wife named Rose, that was his age. She died in childbirth along with the baby. He was heartbroken for the longest time.

Upon waking, you get dressed into your overalls & brush your hair & head out of your small room.

Upon waking, you get dressed into your overalls & brush your hair & head out of your small room

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Greeted by staff as you walk down the halls towards the main control room.
Seeing your dad looking at a map.
"Hey there's my not so little anymore girl! " Outstretching his arms for hug. Hugging your dad you chuckle, " I'll always be your little girl dad. How's it going? Anything new?"
He shrugged disheartened, "Nope ,same as always I'm afraid."
"Well, any word from Space Cruiser? "
You ask looking at the control panel.
Space Cruiser was another Spacecraft that had a couple of your friends on it. There hasn't been any contact with them in weeks.
"No.... I'm sure they're fine ." He pats you on the shoulder . "How about you go talk to Patricia about everything you need to know about- um, ergh -marriage ."
Blinking at him you cringe. "Okay-sure. Bye dad." Turning around quickly exiting the room,not wanting to tell your dad you already knew about sex. Friends gossip ect.. Still a virgin & haven't even been kissed . No one would dare touch you-
' The Captains Daughter.' Plus you had been promised to Mark since you was eight.

Upon exiting the control room in an hurry, you bump into Mark- making him drop his clipboard of papers! Flustered you wave your hands, "I'm sorry!" He steps back ,shocked you actually ran into him & not the other way around . "Oh Y/N it's fine I-"
Both you bend over at same time bumping heads! You fall on your butt!
"I don't know Captain,they might kill each other accidentally on thier wedding night!" A staff member mocked . Everyone bursting a gut laughing!
"He might put it in the wrong hole!" Another crew member added as more laughter insued.
Rubbing your head you look at Mark,he frowns at the jokes & offers his hand to you. Nervously you take his hand. Feeling his strong grasp on your hand as he helps you back up on your feet. Both of you haven't interacted much. He's always been busy doing tasks.Noticing your dad had his face in his hand shaking it slowly in disapproval at the jokes,
Everyone shut up & carried on with thier duties.
Looking at Mark you feel embarrassed as he straightens up his papers on his clipboard. " Don't worry about what they say. Most of them will probably be single forever now."
Giving you a smirk & a wink before he heads off towards your dad. You decide to go to Patricia by storage & have (the talk) with her.

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