3: Success...?

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V planned out his decision well. It was childish, he had to admit that. He can't think of anything else though. So it will have to do.

V came to school extra early to carry it out. He prepared everything by himself, just in time when the bell rang indicating the start of school.

Tifany just arrived at school. She saw a trail of water on the floor, leading straight to the girl's toilet. Out of curiosity, she decided to go check out what was happening.

She stepped gingerly into the toilet, wary of what's going to happen, as if something will suddenly pop out of nowhere and scare her. That's the thing Tifany hates most. People jumping out and scaring her. As to why, there was a whole story behind it.

V snickered to himself as his grip on the rope tightened. As Tifany inched closer, his grin became wider.(ewww that sounds wrongXD)Just when she was right under the bucket, he gave a huge pull on the rope. What splashed out was not water.

It was mud. Mud that is REALLY WET and disgusting. :)

Tifany was frozen to the ground and did not move at all. She lifted her fingers slowly to her hair to pull off some of the mud and examined it, her face scrunching in disgust but she could not find her voice to scream.

V laughed outright and Tifany spotted him hiding in the corner right away. He was in one of the cubicles in the girl's toilet.(That sounds wrong AGAIN)She stepped into that cubicle with narrowed eyes while cracking her knuckles.

V was still laughing until he realised that Tifany was right in front of him. The worse thing is, he could not escape as she was blocking him. But the WORST thing is, she was covered in mud. And her hands were reaching out like a witch's towards him.

She messed V's hair with her hands which were filthy with mud and took bits of mud off her hair, which she threw on V's uniform.

"AISHH!! 비켜!!!(get out of the way)"V shouted in frustration as he tried to block his face with his hands. He did not want his precious face to be covered in sticky and disgusting mud.

He pushed Tifany out of the way forcefully. She fell backwards and landed hard on the ground. Without looking at her anymore, he rushed out of the girl's toilet to the boy's toilet to wash his hair, and change into a new uniform.

Little did he know, something went wrong...

V changed and washed up, late for class by 15 minutes. His hair was still dripping wet and all the girls stared at him in awe, no doubt thinking that he is too hot for his own good.(hahaXD)

5 minutes passed.

Then 15.

30 minutes have gone by, and still, Tifany had not come to class yet. V furrowed his eyebrows, confused. Wasn't she supposed to be in class already? He knew she would take a longer time to get clean up, but not that long, right?

He asked the teacher for permission to go to the toilet. The teacher agreed and he rushed straight to the girl's toilet where he last saw Tifany.

Tifany was lying on the ground, her eyes closed. But that was not the main point. Her head was bleeding out.

V's eyes widened as he immediately carried Tifany bridal style out of the toilet and ran as fast as he could to the infirmary.

The nurse on duty was horrified at the bleeding but being professional, she gave no comments and treated Tifany while asking V to stay outside, as she wanted to ask him some questions later. The nurse cleaned off the mud and covered the wound on Tifany's head with the bandage going around her head. She checked for other injuries, but she could find none. She did however, saw lots of scars covering her wrists when she pulled her jacket sleeve up. Puzzled, the nurse decided to ask her about it only when she woke up.

V sprang up from his seat as soon as the nurse came out of the resting room where she put Tifany to bed in. "Is she okay?"he asked anxiously. The nurse sighed,"She's okay. May I know why was she bleeding? Not to mention covered in mud?"

V sat down again and stuttered,"I....I...don't know. I just found her like that when I went searching for her. As for the mud......I was just playing with her I was also dirtied too....." The nurse gave him a nod and ask him to go back to class, saying she would ask Tifany herself.

V trudged back to class, his triumphant attiude all gone, replaced by guilt and worry. He had lied partially about "playing" with Tifany as it was a prank. But he really didn't know why she was bleeding.

If only....I have not done that...

He blames himself for her injury. Normally, V is a bad boy and doesn't care if others got hurt. But he had never caused GIRLS to be hurt before. While, at least not physically.

If I hadn't done that....will she be okay right now?

Tifany was his enemy but she was just a girl too. In the end, V decided to go apologise to Tifany the next day.

4 hours later, in the infirmary

"Urgh... my head hurts...."Tifany groaned as she sat up and looked around her. Where was she?

Just then, the nurse came in and sighed in relief upon seeing Tifany awake. "That boy brought you here. Are you feeling okay?"she asked, concerned. What boy? Tifany thought as she nodded, indicating that she was fine.

Her eyebrows furrowed. Her getting hurt was all because of V. When he pushed her forcefully out of the way, her head hit something hard and she passed out because of that.


He pushed Tifany out of the way forcefully. She fell backwards and landed hard on the ground. Tifany's head hit the sink too hard, and she passed out from the sudden blow to her head.

"Hello? Are you there?"the nurse waved her hands in front of Tifany, snapping her from her thoughts. "I'm sorry you were saying...?"Tifany asked politely. "Why were you bleeding?"the nurse asked again.

"I fell and hit my head,"she lied quickly. Tifany immediately wanted to smack her own mouth when she said that. Why am I even defending him??!!

"Oh I see....please be more careful,"the nurse said while chuckling, waving her hand to allow Tifany to go back home, as school had already ended.

Was I crazy or something?? Tifany internally screamed. As she walked home, she felt determined to make V pay. Somehow.


Done! I took long enough...sorry haha

It's just that my classmates are stalking me(or more specifically, reading this fanfic without me knowing HAHA)

Vote and comment if you liked it!^^

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