13: Party

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Tifany's POV:

It's finally that day. The day of the formal party.

V is going to pick me up at 6pm. It's 5.45pm now. I can't stop thinking about what will happen at the party. He won't hit me in front of everybody, right?

Just thinking of Taehyung while waiting for him makes me slightly pissed off actually. His dirty hands which were all over the other girl the other day, makes me shiver in disgust just thinking about it.

Regardless, I feel less nervous that I'm not going alone.

I paced my room restlessly as the seconds ticked by, and before I knew it, it was 5.59pm.

"Miss Shin? Your friend's here." Mrs Park informed me.

Ok. You can do this Shin Min Hyo. Just endure it for a few hours. Nothing will happen.

I took a deep breath before going down the stairs to meet V.

End of POV


Taehyung's POV:

"You ready to go?" I asked Tifany who just walked out of her room, wearing that black dress Bangtan and I approved for her.


Unconciously, I looked at her from head to toe, wowing secretly. Without realising that Tifany was glaring at me.

"Done checking me out?"

"Done." I chuckled, earning a smack from her. Laughing it off, I offered her my hand.

"Let's go, princess."

Tifany rolled her eyes but took my hand anyways. Together, we walked to my car which was parked just outside her gate.

"I see you got a new car. It's not as nice as the last one though."

"Of course it won't be as nice! Do you have any idea how much that cost?" I exclaimed. What does she know about cars? Jeez.

"I might not drive, nor do I know anything about cars, but I do know a car doesn't necessarily have to be beautiful only when it's expensive." Tifany commented.

Sighing, I gave up talking to her. She always seem to have a good comeback and win in arguments. I opened the door for her and she got in, mumbling a soft "thanks". Then, I walked over to the driver's seat and got in.

"You nervous?"


"Don't worry, I'm here." I gave her a genuine smile and lightly touched her hands which were on her lap.

I saw a faint hint of a smile pass her lips before her poker face returned again.

"Let's go. We're running late," she said as I started the car, driving to the location of the party.


In 30 minutes, we arrived at the location of the party. It was held in a fancy 5-star hotel's ballroom that Tifany said her father booked just for the party.

He sure is rich.

I parked the car and opened the door for Tifany, whose face had turned really pale.

I took her hand in mine and found it to be really cold. She must really be very scared. This poor girl.

Squeezing her hand, I gave her a reassuring smile and she squeezed back. This is new. Normally, if I touched her without her permission, she would've smacked me.

Tifany shook her head lightly as if to clear her thoughts.

"Let's go."

End of POV


V walked hand in hand with Tifany to the hotel lobby, where they were directed into the ballroom by the hotel staff. The hotel staff bowed respectfully at Tifany, but gave V weird stares and glances, as they did not know who he was. Nevertheless, the female staff still gawked at him when he walked past. When they reached the entrance to the ballroom, Tifany pulled V's hand and stood stiff to the ground.

V stopped in understanding of how she feels. He turned her to face him and placed his hands on her shoulders. "You know, it's still not too late to turn back now."

Tifany shook her head and turned back towards the ballroom. "I can do this. Let's go."

Taking Tifany's hand, V and Tifany entered the ballroom to see around 50 guests present, all of them dressed in their finest. The ballroom was huge; the decorations were too much for a formal party. V showed nothing but a poker face, but he was secretly disapproving the excessive decorations in his mind.

For a rich person, he doesn't have much fashion sense...

His eyes scanned around the room to land on one person who stood out among the rest. He was talking to a few others, but somehow his aura seemed different from the rest. He was talking quite comfortably to them, but the people he was talking to seemed to be on guard, as if they were afraid that they would get on his bad side.

"That's my Father." Tifany whispered in V's ear.

V nodded,"So, are you gonna introduce me or should we stay away?"

Before Tifany could answer, her father glanced their way and seemed to notice that his Daughter had arrived. He excused himself from the group and made his way towards them. V could feel T's hand tightening her grip on his as her father approached.

Tifany bowed respectfully at her father, and V did the same. Her father looked the both of them up and down, his eyes widening when he stopped at their hands. Tifany noticed and immediately tried to pull her own hand away, but V held on tight, resulting in Tifany looking at him in alarm.

"Father, this is my fr-" Tifany started to say, but before she could finish, V continued,"Boyfriend. I am her boyfriend. My name is Taehyung, Kim Taehyung. It's nice to meet you, Mr Shin."

Her father nodded, but showed no signs of surprise. "Why didn't you tell me that you had a boyfriend, Min Hyo?"

Tifany opened her mouth to talk, but V cut in,"We just got together last week, sir. She couldn't tell you about us as she thought you would be busy."

Mr Shin smirked, and said,"I didn't know you need this guy to talk for you, my dear." V's looked at Tifany with worry when he felt Tifany tightening her grip once again. She did not liked him calling her "dear".

"Dad...do you have  a moment to spare? I need to talk to you." Tifany's expression was unreadable as she let go of Taehyung's hand. Her dad nodded in agreement,"Let's go outside then."

Tifany was about to follow her father when V pulled her back. "I'll be waiting for you." He said with a reassuring smile.

Tifany smiled mildly and nodded, before turning around to follow her father out.

Somehow, what he said gave me enough courage. Enough courage to stand up to my father.



I didn't update for a really long time, so I'm not even sure if this story is still in anyone's library. But I just feel inspired to write today! Hope you enjoy it :)

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